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  • Aba : warning: foids inside
EFFORTPOST @Grue made the mistake of asking me why Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life sucked so now you all have to suffer, too. [Spoilers]

deep breath

Spoilers for a 20 year old TV series & TW for special interest 'tism...

The creator/showrunner/lead writer of Gilmore Girls was Amy Sherman-Palladino (ASP), and she's the main person responsible for the unique cozy vibe and fast-paced, reference-heavy dialogue of the original series. She's also something of a crazy control freak who had a very particular predefined arc in mind for the show, one that would highlight the parallels between Rory and her mother and grandmother, Emily (the 3rd Gilmore Girl). For years fans heard about the mysterious "final 4 words" that she already knew would end the series. She's like the opposite of the GoT showrunners who had no idea how the frick they were going to wrap up the ending.

ASP may be a stubborn b-word but she's a good writer with strong hat game

Except... ASP was forced out after the penultimate sixth season of the original run in a contract dispute with the network, the details of which have always been hazy. Toward the end of the sixth season, ASP added a bunch of zany plots (e.g. Lorelai throwing herself at Rory's deadbeat dad, Christopher) that almost seemed like a vindictive attempt to sabotage the show on her way out the door. The new show runners dumped into the thick of it for the seventh season did their best to tie up all the bizarre loose ends, and in doing so they moved away from the predestined fatalism of ASP's original arc - the theme of which could be loosely summed up as "no matter how you try to run away from it, you always grow up to be your mother." :marseyitneverbegan:

Spoiled douchbag boyfriend, meet spoiled douchebag dad

For example, ASP always had in mind that Rory's rich, spoiled boyfriend, Logan, would be "her Christopher," a dissolute playboy who toys with her heart, knocks her up, and ultimately abandons her - but during the final season without ASP, the writers moved away from that storyline: Logan becomes estranged from his wealthy family, he has to stand on his own two feet, he exhibits personal growth. By the end of the series, he's ready to commit; he doesn't abandon Rory, he wants to marry her, but she decides she's not ready to settle down so young. The original series ends with Rory Gilmore, a promising young journ*list heading off to Iowa to cover the long-shot presidential campaign of a promising young Senator named Barack Obama.

The seventh season is divisive among fans for a few reasons (the hasty resolution of many of ASP's S6 landmine plots, the dialogue feels kind of off, some new characters are sloppily introduced late in the game) but I think most people enjoyed seeing Logan grow up a bit and the way his relationship with Rory matured. Most people liked the ending, and thought it was fitting to have Rory choose herself and her career over a man. There's a little bit of added millennial nostalgia/wish-fulfillment and serendipity to see Rory climbing onto the Obama campaign bus when we know he's going to win that race. As viewers, we figure Rory is off to a great start with a bright future ahead of her covering a landmark campaign up close.

Go get 'em, Ace!

Then, eight years later, Netflix gave ASP an assload of money to make A Year in the Life and she used it to take a giant shit all over Season Seven. She basically returned to Stars Hollow with the intent to settle old scores and give Gilmore Girls the ending that she knew it had to have: even if it didn't make a darn lick of sense almost a decade later. She has claimed that she has never watched S7, that she doesn't even really consider it canon. She said she had an assistant watch it and take notes for her. In AYITL, she kept one baby born in S7, and threw out almost everything else, determined to tell her version of what season 7 should have been.

Netflix: Buying your childhood to wear as a four-piece skinsuit

Lorelai and Luke (her main love interest/will-they-won't-they) act like newlyweds wrestling with the decision about whether to have kids, even though they've been married for the better part of a decade and Lorelai is pushing 50. Rory is broke, directionless and struggling like a new college grad, not like a woman in her 30s with access to a multimillion dollar trust fund. Logan is instantly back to being a useless frickboi: engaged to a beautiful woman we never see, but carrying on an affair with Rory.

The only good storyline in AYITL centers on Emily coming to terms with the loss of her husband, Richard (Rory's grandfather) and that story was forced on ASP by the real-life death of the actor Edward Herrmann. She had to actually write a new, age-appropriate story for Emily instead of dusting off whatever she wanted to do for S7, and it's so much better for it.

Poor Ed's brain cancer is the real MVP of AYITL

There's a bunch of other minor shit that sucks in AYITL: fat-shaming that feels very early-2000s and out of step with modern culture, lazily retconning certain characters to be gay for added diversity, an unfunny retread of the "Ann? Her?" gag from Arrested Development. But the main reason A Year In The Life is terrible is that ASP was too stubborn to incorporate any of the stories that other writers had given to her characters, so instead of a thoughtful extrapolation of how these characters might have lived and grown or changed over almost ten years, she did S7: ASP's Version. It's 2016, not 2007, but no one has changed at all or learned anything in the meantime.

A Year in the Life ends with the famous "final four words" that ASP had always preordained, even if they no longer make any goddarn sense from a narrative perspective:



"I'm pregnant."

Barely 32 years old and having a bastard with this dude! :marseycry:

Thank you for coming to my TED talk, as a reward for your patience, enjoy this spot-on Mad TV parody:


Isaac, Houston, TX


  • 2022 - working as Sales Rep at a Tile store, making 3-4k a month while going to school full time

    • Left job to focus on classes because he was having issues
  • Doing UberEats/Doordash, also getting money from his father

    • "If I need some I'll ask and he might send it"

    • He stopped doing the gig stuff because he injured his knee timestamp

      • Can't do regular Uber because his car does not qualify

      • Has a 2012 Corolla - later clarifies that it's above the miles limit

      • "My knee hurts when I drive"

        • He drove 3 hours over to Caleb, driving 3 hours back later.

        • Something to his meniscus

  • Costco opening nextdoor - planning on getting a job there

  • Was a Solar Salesman at the beginning of this semester but the company closed down?


  • Studying Biotech (undergrad)

  • 4th year but with credits he is a junior, will be finishing in 5 years

    • Had some issues during COVID, didn't pass a lot of classes - trying to make up for that now
  • 2.0 GPA overall

    • "Yeah I just got to 2.0 last semester" :marseyspecial: timestamp
  • "Yeah I passed one class... in COVID" timestamp

  • Failed Intro to Biotechnology class :marseyemojirofl: timestamp

    • "I was passing that class up until the final"

    • Failed "Fundamentals of Chemistry"

  • "Why'd you pick this major" timestamp

    • He thought it sounded interesting

    • "So what's your career path"

      • "What do you mean my career path?" :marseybrainlet:
  • "A 2.0 is good though" :marseydespair: timestamp

  • He's taking 26 credits this semester :marseypikachu2:

    • "You can't do that"

      • "Can't do that at one college" :marseyretardchad:
    • "I've learned a few new techniques this semester so I'm dialed in" timestamp

      • 'Like what?"

        • "ummmmm"
      • He's just taking adderall :marseyemojirofl: l timestamp

  • Payments to "StudyPool" timestamp

    • Website where you "get help" on your assignments

    • "I would never cheat" - this site is definitely cheating :marseyxd:

    • Looks like it's a per assignment basis - lots of these :marseybigbrain:

    • $360 last month (allegedly splits with his friend)

  • NBS Facts timestamp

    • $30 payment, he says he doesn't know what that is


  • Put his all tuition on his credit cards timestamp

    • An Apple card specifically :marseyretard2:

    • "I haven't missed a payment" :marseywhirlyhat:

  • Spending a lot on eating out/misc bullshit

  • Self-rated a 5/10 in finances timestamp

  • Credit Card 1 ($14'715) timestamp

    • $548 minimum payment
  • Should he consolidate his debt timestamp

    • If he could actually control himself yes
  • Missed payment timestamp

    • He says he doesn't have any but there's $40 in late fees - he paid it a day late but confused this with the concept of a missed payment
  • Reasoning for putting tuition on the CC timestamp

    • thought his dad would help pay it off

    • Dad had purchased a house but needed help with the down-payment - $15'000

      • Father is letting him live there rent free and considers this repayment? Not sure if I followed this right
  • Coinbase and Robinhood timestamp

    • Invested in crypto?

    • Coinbase - $3'666 in 2021, down to $60 today

    • Robinhood - $6'006, down to $6?


  • Oracle ad placement

  • There's some sort of on-boarding video now timestamp

    • He didn't bother watching it :marseyxd:
  • Girlfriend gets time to talk timestamp

    • Didn't know how much debt he's in

    • "I think he's nervous he's not usually like this"

    • "He gets defensive when we argue so I think that's what he was doing with you"

    • Thinking about marrying him, wouldn't until he's out of debt

    • Guy's dad doesn't actually give him that much money

  • Guy applied to show through Insta


Avery, 26, Austin, TX :marseyclown2:


  • 44k at some car company "building cars"

    • paid hourly, thinks it's fairly stable 40 hours a week - 10 hours a day 4 days a week, sometimes 11 or 12

Personal Life:

  • Wasn't her first choice to move to Austin, she moved here because her friend already works at the car company

  • 800ish rent

  • Most of this section got lumped into financials


  • Checking Account

    • Overdrafts
  • "I live above my means"

  • Credit Card 1 ($369) timestamp

    • Paid $45 on it

    • Made $116 in purchases

    • $10 in interest added

    • She tries to explain why she hasn't paid if off - she divides her payments between her paychecks???

      • Mentions at least 5 other credit cards :marseywtf2:
  • Credit Card 2 ($450) timestamp

    • Disney Rewards Card

    • Minimum payment $40

    • because she used to go to Disney but hasn't for a very long time

    • Sally Beauty $50 purchase "on a whim" :marseyconfused:

    • Also some eating out

  • Credit Card 3 (2051) timestamp

    • $73 minimum payment

    • $53 interest charged

    • $30 in new purchases

      • "I needed an outfit for a concert"

      • Actually she went to Taco Bell and a Boba Tea place

    • "I'm still making my payments, that's all that matters" :marseyindignant:

    • Mentions that she will be going to see a couple more concerts. 21 Pilots and a band whose name I can't make out

    • Claims the food purchases are justified

    • Some weird explanation about how she couldn't use her card to get a protein bar and water so she went to get taco bell instead? (I assume she means the vendor didn't have a card reader?)

  • Credit Card 4 ($492) (Walmart) timestamp

    • 28 minimum monthly payment

    • No new purchases on this one?

    • She usually uses it but didn't this time?

  • Credit Card 5 ($5'004) (Discover) timestamp

    • She bought a computer on there?

    • Minimum payment $125

    • Interest $104

    • She doesn't really understand how interest works and has been trying to pay slightly more than minimum on all her debts? timestamp

  • Credit Card 6 ($136) (Hot Topic) timestamp

    • There's a $3 fee on it? "What do you mean fee" :marseyemojirofl:

    • $30 minimum monthly payment

  • Student Loans timestamp

    • Something about her mother taking out student loans too on her behalf and she's paying for those as well? I didn't really understand this one

      • her mom's loan is on deferment but she's still paying it while on deferment (she really doesn't understand how interest rates work)

      • Later clarified that her mother used her brother's credit to take these loans out? He knew and approved it

    • Some talk about family situation, nothing super interesting she mentions that she likes to give expensive gifts, sees that as a need not a want

    • Didn't catch how much she's paying off for the mother but she herself has $5'162

      • Was paying it off while in school - went to school for theater, got degree
    • Going to go back to school for "advanced manufacturing" - her job is covering it? Community college (ACC)

  • Caleb stimming timestamp

  • "So what do you do when you are low on money on your checking account but only have your credit card to survive?" :marseybrainlet: timestamp

  • Car (Toyota Camry) (31'972 balance) timestamp

    • $650 monthly payment

    • Storytime - weird ex-boyfriend story

    • Purchased March 2023

    • 6 year agreement

    • She thinks a 9% interest

    • Scratched on the side, damage to the windshield

      • Heat damage on the windshield? Apparently you want to roll windows down when it's very hot?
    • valued at maybe 21'000

  • Income 3617 timestamp

    • "I've never really checked my finances to be honest with you"
  • Checking Account timestamp

    • Highlights a nintendo charge, some eating out, google play, playstation network

    • 5 overdraft charges in a row :marseyxd:

    • She Klarna'd some tickets and a $100 Back to The Future Lego set

  • Other people borrow money from her??? timestamp

    • Her mother borrows money from her sometimes about $100? Not every month? Just rarely???

    • She overdrafts

    • "That's only once"

      • "No"
  • Funny drama confrontation about her future in society timestamp

  • Confrontation over phone finances timestamp

Finances Pie Chart timestamp

EFFORTPOST A short story: The Gift

“You'll be alright. Just stop squirming honey, lay still,” Orpah said.

Samson lay on his back on the hot rocks beside the rugged rock path of Sonder Mountain. The sun was flaming intensely, laying a blanket of heavy heat over them. His leg was bent awkwardly, unnaturally, so much so that a lick of the white of his bone could be seen through his shin.

“Calm down honey,” Orpah soothed him, leaning the water flask into his mouth.

The yelling had stopped. Samson had screamed and yelled in pain until his vocal cords were bloody. It was obvious that there was no one else on the path, and with nighttime fast approaching, unlikely it was that the situation would flip. Orpah took off her top, leaving her in just her skimpy white vest, before soaking it in water and laying it over Samson's forehead. The sky was a deep shade of orange. It would have been quite beautiful to look at if the situation was different, less dire perhaps. Orpah knew she would be able to find help at the bottom of Sonder Mountain. But that was easily a three-hour hike, and with night looming over them, she couldn't risk leaving Samson at the mercy of the coyotes. Not while his leg dripped blood and he dipped in out of consciousness, driven hysterical from pain. So she remained at his side, lovingly combing her fingers through his long hair as she tended to his needs.

“They'll notice we aren't there at dinner and come out looking for us. I'll start a small fire to make us a tad more visible,” Orpah said.

Samson gritted some form of acknowledgment through his gritted teeth. His face was almost as pale as his knuckles. Pain like this, it was nothing he ever felt before. It had him contemplating death, wondering whether a life with this amount of agony was one worth cherishing, worth fighting for. Was death not void of all such suffering? But he held on to life, if only for Orpah and her beautiful face, the love she evoked within him, and the tenderness of her touch.

“Go… find… help,” Samson managed to utter without opening his jaw.

Orpah looked up at him.

“Light the fire… and go find help… it'll keep the… coyotes away,” Samson explained.

“Are you sure?” Orpah asked.

Samson nodded. His leg had gone numb from the pain. The feeling of being stabbed over and over again was so consistent it had become a non-factor, like when noise is so ceaseless it becomes soothing or when you wear your glasses for so long you forget they're on. The first few stars twinkled in the sky which was slowly turning from orange to black. Orpah reached into her backpack and pulled out a box of long matchsticks. The trail was mostly stones and sand, but Orpah managed to gather enough sticks to start a sizeable flame. She cordoned it off with a few rocks, kissed Samson on the forehead, and headed down the trail.

“I'll be back as fast as I can,” Orpah said.

The smoke from the flame was serpent-like, the wisps slithering sinisterly. Every moment remaining in consciousness was a conscientious effort. He was glad for the flame. The air had suddenly gone from sweltering to chilly which only made the pain worse. Suddenly he felt the ground shake. He wasn't sure at first; it was as subtle as can be. But it grew and grew until it was an undeniable tremor, as if a giant was walking in the vicinity. Samson didn't have to wonder too much before the source made itself known. A kangaroo hopped out from behind a rock. It was purple and had a flame on the tip of its tail.

“What the everloving frick are you?” Samson said aloud in fear, “what in the frick is that?”

The kangaroo looked at him, tilted its head, and smiled. About twenty crabs crawled out its pouch and scattered all over. The kangaroo stretched in relief. Samson tried to crawl away but failed. The kangaroo was still towering over him.

“I done carried them from Jupiter. Nasty lil buggers, those claws are nothing to be ignorin',” the kangaroo said in a raspy voice.

“What the actual frick is going on?” was all Samson could manage.

“S'pose now is a good a time as any for an explanation. My name is, well I aint got a name. No need for those on the dimensional plane I'm from. I've taken this form because your puny mind would never understand my true form,” it continued raspily.

Samson blinked hard twice. He was convinced this was some kind of hallucination, his mind playing tricks on him, insanity brought on by dehydration and deliria.

“I am the bringer of the gift of death. You can do nothing to earn it, nothing to lose it but like any other gift, you may decline it,” the kangaroo continued, but this time in a different voice like a lady.

“How do I know you're real?” Samson managed to ask.

The kangaroo paused for a while, thought, and then answered.

“On the sixteenth of December your wife Orpah was asleep and you wanted a sandwich. You were too lazy to make it yourself so you opened a jar of Nutella and ate directly from it, you ate it all Samson, all. You got sick the next day and denied eating it. You told Orpah that from the bottom of your heart you didn't do it. But you did,” the kangaroo said in a different voice yet again.

It was as though the kangaroo was having great fun altering its voice each time. Perhaps more out of embarrassment than anything else Samson admitted to himself that indeed the kangaroo was not a figment of his imagination. The entire situation fell into the category of ‘too strange to be fiction'.

“So… am I dead?” Samson asked tentatively.

“Only if you want to be,” the kangaroo replied casually.

Samson lowered his eyebrow, his forehead creased. He was flummoxed.

“Death is a gift, as I have said. You can accept it or reject it,” the kangaroo explained.

He held his long tail in his hand, swinging it around casually.

“And, uhm, if I choose death? What would happen, I'm not saying that's what I want, but if I did choose death, what would happen next?” Samson asked, making very sure to emphasise that he wasn't asking for death.

“I don't know. I've never died. I'm only the collector of souls. I can tell what will happen if you choose life though,” the kangaroo said.

Samson shrugged.

“Oh c'mon, the same old,” said the kangaroo, “pain, misery, discontent, disappointment. Amidst it all a few moments of love and happiness. I've seen a lot of lives in my job. No matter where you are, how you live, it's always the same. Just a different variety of it.”

Samson paused for a while. He had forgotten about his broken leg, something that tends to happen when you have a kangaroo from the realm of death before you. A sly thought crept in his mind.

“You said that death is a gift, right?” Samson queried.


“Then, like any other gift, I could pass it on, couldn't I?”

“I s'pose.”

“Then I give my gift to Orpah,” Samson said resolutely.

The kangaroo looked at him, vexed.

“Your own wife? Well that's certainly a new one,” the kangaroo said.

“If death truly is a gift, I would not want my last action to be something as selfish as running away from the strife of the world. If my wife takes it, I will know she loved death more than I. If she rejects the gift, then this will be a life worth living. I don't know, it makes sense in my head,” explained Samson.

“Very well then.”

And the kangaroo stuck its purple hands out, waved them and uttered a magical spell. The sky lit up in a million colours. And then the kangaroo was gone. Samson lay there in the darkness of the night with only the flickering of the flames as his company. No one came until morning when the mountain ranger came around for his morning route. In a state of semi-consciousness, all Samson remembered was being lifted up and put into the back of a pickup truck. He swung in and out of consciousness and found himself on a soft bed, his leg raised in a cast in some sort of log cabin. The ranger and Orpah stood over him.

“He almost died,” he heard the ranger say.

“Oh my poor honey,” Orpah said, “I'm so grateful you saved him. How can I ever show my gratitude?”

“Well there is one way,” he heard the ranger say smugly.

A bit of whispering and a bit of giggling and Samson heard the sound of something oddly similar to the clank of a metal belt buckle hitting the ground. They left the room.

Samson wanted his gift back.

None :#marseybruh2:

In case you hate the shitty AI voice here's the summary

  • In 2018 when he was 12 he discovered reddit. He eventually finds out that there's a karma leaderboard.

  • By 2019 he has 3,000 karma. He cringes now looking back at his comments.

  • His "breakthrough" happened in March 2019 when a meme he posted got upvoted. It was even reviewed in one of Pewdiepies videos.

  • He makes it into /r/EternityClub realizes they're cringe and leaves.

  • Still he wants to make it into /r/CenturyClub. Gets banned for 3 days for telling a furry to kill himself :marseybased: Continues grinding and finally gets 100k and makes it into /r/CenturyClub. Realizes they're cringe 30+ year old Americans obsessed with politics and leaves.

  • In 2020 he turns his focus to minecraft. Gets bored with that and goes back to reddit.

  • He had much more time now because of the pandemic which kept him at home for almost 2 years.

  • Now he wanted 1 million karma. He messages Gallowboob for advice. Now he is locked in.

  • It took almost a year to reach 100k karma. Another 6 months to 200k. But now it only took 6 days to get to 300k.

  • He got every reddit award now. Some guy gave $175 worth of awards :marseyxd:

  • In September 2020 he reaches 1 million points after only 47 days of grinding. It was quite fast.

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger even replied to one of his posts, but he didn't really know who Arnold was :marseyzoomer:

  • Now the American election is coming up. He's an Italian kid so he knows nothing about it, but he realizes reddit hates Trump so he starts posting anti Trump memes. They do well. He learns about more American politicians and which ones reddit hates so he can get more karma :marseydicklet:

  • By the end of 2020 he was over 2 million karma.

  • He joined a groomercord some Indian guy made called Redditors United where top karma accounts could share advice. He considered them idols, but later realized they were mostly "16 year old Indians with way too much free time. Just like me." :marseyemojirofl:

  • He still wanted to grind to 10 million karma. He now posted 100 times per day at regular intervals.

  • Time was not a problem since he had online school and could keep Google meet open while posting to reddit.

  • He made a google spreadsheet to track his progress and aimed for 30k points a day or 1 million a month.

  • By his 14th birthday he reached 5 million. He basically just spammed posts now and at one point was averaging 90k points per day. By May 2021 he reached 10 million karma after "5 months of grinding with no breaks."

  • But this was starting to negatively affect his school work so he had to take time off reddit to focus on algebra :marseylaughpoundfist:

  • He came back to reddit. Now he wanted to be number 1. The target was 38 million "set by /u/CheetahSperm18, a porn addicted American man who posted naked anime girls everyday." :marseydarkxd:

  • Someone gets suspicious and sees that this zoomer posted at almost the same times everyday. They assume he's a bot so he gets banned from the /r/BotDefense system. This banned him from 3k subs.

  • Undeterred he carried on eventually reaching 25 million karma.

  • Now he was back at in person school so he would run home when it finished and spam reddit with more posts. During this time he got banned twice. But appealed them successfully.

  • The start of 2022 was great because Putin invaded Russia so now he could spam Zelensky.

  • But he notices his karma started slowing. He was banned from too many subs. Had to focus on school. So he took 3 months off.

  • He claims now is when he learned python and made a bot to automate his posts. Posting 360 times a day.

  • People got mad. Someone reports him and reddit permanently bans him for content manipulation. Other big accounts got banned as well.

Now he was free to touch grass and just posts to his youtube.

Proving that reportmaxxing works!

I saw this here

I didn't plan to watch it all due to the annoying voice, but the autism of it drew me in. Where were this kids parents. Absolutely r-slurred. At least he got away from it eventually.

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Letting children starve to death

If there's one thing we all share in common, it's that we need food to live. Food is our sustenance and without it, we perish. Some of us eat too little and become skinny. Others eat too much and become fat. Regardless, at the end of the day, we're all eating.

Children, especially young infants, cannot obtain their own food. Hence, it is the job of the parents to ensure that the child receives the sustence they require. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case and there are some parents who abandon their responsibility. Today I'll briefly discuss two cases of parents who let their children starve to death. My writing won't be all too animated, and you'll find out why in the conclusion.

The Deadly Vacation

Who doesn't like a good vacation? It's a chance to get away from the stresses of life, see new places, and maybe even enjoy a holiday fling. But what if the stressor is your own child? Suddenly, a vacation becomes a dark deed.

Kristel Candelario wanted to go on vacation. But her pesky 16 month old child Jailyn would take the fun out of it. So, she decided to leave the child in the crib while she jetted off to Detroit and Puerto Rico for ten days. While Kristel was on the beach, Jailyn defacated all over herself and ate the waste as her only source of sustenance. Of course, this turned the situation deadly and the child perished. After the ten day long holiday, Kristel returned home to a poop-covered dead child. She changed the child's clothing before calling 911, claiming to have found the child not breathing.

Of course, upon investigation, it was found that she had abandoned her baby who starved to death. Upon receiving her life sentence, the judge described Kristel's actions as the ultimate act of betrayal. Do you agree? What do you think was going on in Kristel's mind?

The Dirty Home

Seth Welch and Tatiana Fusari had a child named Mary Welch. They did not treat the child very well. CPS found traces of THC in the child, suggesting that the parents were blazing around the infant which is no laughing matter.

Mary was heavily malnourished but the parents refused to seek medical assistance, citing religious reasons. They say God dwells in a cleanly home. Their house must have been the domain of Satan because it was found to have roaches and vermin and mould. For unknown reasons, the parents witheld food from the baby. The likely cause is that they were too wrapped up in their drug-fueled life.

Eventually, Mary succumbed to malnourishment, and the pair were charged with negligent homicide and were sentenced to life. Prior to sentencing, when Seth was told he was facing a life sentence, he made the soyjack face.

This is no laughing matter however.


I can't sleep. I've stopped taking benzos and I feel sick. My head is pounding, I feel like puking and I am constantly moody and agitated. I feel like I need benzos like an infant needs breastmilk. I started playing Red Dead Redemption today. Very cool, but also very slow-paced. I like Bonny McFarlane and walking around the ranch. I think it captures the "Western" aesthetic better than its successor.


!macacos !soyteens

Tried my best to doodle their pinkie! Any criticisms is welcome to this doodle and I don't mind updating it

woa this might be even worse

"she looks ugly" and it just looks like a regular person youd see in real life

i want a detailed description of whats supposedly ugly ab this design w out them being colorist! never seen anyone like this in my life lololol

have you considered talking to real people instead of playing royal high all day

31.5k posts telling ppl to go outside insane projection



edtwt stays online and inside too much looking at pinterest girls they forgot what other people also look like

Is this the female equivalent of accusing people of being a porn addict?

Do you live in Chernobyl?

It looks like a racist Wojack dude what are you talking about

Incomprehensible woahjacks from Bahia, Brazil :marseyskull:

bro living in ohio

Normalise having average looking characters

normalise not looking like a runway model

girl looks so freaking happy and that's one of the many things that makes a person pretty, imo

The issue is that artists make inclusive POC and LGBT characters ugly as frick while the generic cis white straight characters are pinnacles of beauty.

This literally feels borderline racist like... No, that's not an average person look. That looks like some sort of wojack or minstrel cartoon ☠️☠️

literally. she IS pretty. i saw people jumping thru hoops in the replies trying to make this problematic which is really funny

She looks like a racist wojack made by some neonazi on 4chan

This design looks cute @RobotinTheVoid

^^ Twitter needs to stfu and stop bullying a child

the mlp fandom when artists ' human versions of magical rainbow ponies look like a regular human and not a supermodel ( the whole point of the show is friendship and accepting people for who they are )

Darn apparently every character ever needs to follow strict societal beauty standards rooted in white supremacy….

she's so pretty, i have a friend who looks like her

hope your friend doesn't know you think they look like this.

God forbid a black girl have braces ig??? seriously what is their issue

Babe its the… face….

nah learning that the artist is white made this whole discussion flip for me

Ok but that specifically looks like satire...

as a black girl, it's really aggravating when people draw us in these..unsightly ways and then try to gaslight us into thinking this is what every other black woman looks like. "this is what an average person looks like" average person here, no the frick its not!

like its just smth abt making the poc headcanons god awful ugly that doesnt sit well with me like lets think inwards on why yall wanna make the poc headcanons fat and ugly

the drawing is literally bordering on racist wojack and they're like "she's pretty!!!!"

imagine if the person who drew these was a very very VERY white person LOL

sources are saying theyre white


Why do they always make these exaggerated drawings ugly as sin. Black people are beautiful... this feels like racist insults every single time.🤦‍♂️

If I was told this was a right wing meme made specifically to make fun of :!marseytrain:s I would believe you

I've seen actual racist caricatures of black people that looked better than this.

"She's pretty wym"

my good friend spoke about this before

Hear me out...

I look like this



Q: What is Happy Tree Friends?

A: You should have watched it as a kid. If you haven't, you can watch this:

Q: who the frick like this show?

A: autists :autism:, and no, this is unironic.

The Subreddit

I watched Happy Tree Friends as a kid and think it is pretty funny, and found out they made a new episode recently, so I read something about happy tree friends, and found the subreddit:

It is filled with autists obsessing over their stupid fan-made characters:

It is not even that interesting until you look into the stickied post of the subreddit.

The Autist

Here is the stickied post:

I don't care if I left the fandom! If you mention brunynhoalves, you're getting a 5 day ban! Just frick off already! I said to stop talking about him! I saw another post today!

Even the mods :marseyjanny2: talk like an autist. :marseyxd:

But who is /u/brunynhoalves? :marseydetective:

So basically he spams the subreddits with posts to tell people to subscribe to him or whatever: (Trigger Warning: Groomcord :marseydiscord:)

Since he spams the subreddit non-stop, he is eventually banned from it :marseyban:

And he appeals to the subreddit mods :marseyjanny::

So this is apparantly Flippy x Fliqpy ship:

It gets even worse:

In case you can't see the screenshot in the last screenshot:

Can you rub your breasts on my peepee? :marseymoidmoment:


Can you rub your breasts on my peepee? :marseymoidmoment:

I said can you rub your breasts on my peepee? :marseymoidmoment:

He apparantly shit up the subreddit so much that there are many complain posts about him:

What the frick is even illegal shit? These are all fricking anthropomorphic animals and these zoophilic autist do be like "no only the yellow rabbit and the pink female one not the same character but two personality" :marseylaugh:

When the autists noootices :marseynoooticer:

And from the above post, I found his twitter:



Gives off DO NOT REDEEM energy

13🎂| Neurodivergent🧩| Male | (he,) I'm a good artist, I'm obsessed with #happytreefriends, follow me if you want.


quite apparant

Look at this beautiful retweet:

And here's his YouTube Channel:

Made on Alight Motion

How To Make G Major 74 in Alight Motion:

1st go to up tempo and pitches:




2nd: go to alight motion and create a project what you want

3rd: tap + on Bottom Right

4th: click Klasky Csupo

5th: go to homogenization and opacity and click Luminosity

6th: go to effects and search Stretch Axis:

Scale: 0,85

Angle: 0,0°

7th: go to effects and search Circular Ripple:

Centralize: X Axis: 0 Y Axis: 0 Frequency: 1,00

Intensity: -0,140

Phase: 0,00

Radius: 0,30

Feather: 1,000

8th: go to effects and Search Stretch Axis: (again)

Stretch: 1,22

Angle: 0,0°

The autism :marseyautism: is strong

And this is legitimately disturbing.

And of course it is easy to find his DeviantArt too:

Rubbing your breasts on my peepee


So, how neurodivergent do you think he is?


:gigacha#d4: Nathan, 26, Austin TX


  • Wearing a $600 watch timestamp

    • Claims he got it on sale 20% off
  • "It was a Christmas gift for myself" :marseygigachad:

  • "It's a nice watch, I wanna get another one I just don't have the funds to do so right now. But as soon as I do I'm gonna get one" timestamp

  • "Did you graduate high school?" :marseyconfused: timestamp

    • "Yeah, it was hard though" "Numbers and stuff, the start to look funny after a while" :marseychad:
  • "You bought yourself a watch and you said you'd do it again" :soycry: timestamp

    • "Well I bought myself some - uh nevermind" :marseygigachad:


  • "I sell cars" "Gross" timestamp

  • "My customers love me" :gigachad2:

  • "I don't just care about my commission checks, I care about people" :marseychad:

  • New car place for 2 months

    • first month between two and three thousand

    • Attempt to figure out just how much he makes timestamp

      • "They take it back when I get my commission check"

      • "It's hard to say just what I make... I don't pay attention to it" :marseyretardchad:

    • Was making 7 or 8 thousand dollars a month at his old car place

      • Thinks he will need 4 months to ramp back up to this

      • Had gotten a promotion at his old place but didn't like it as much as he thought it would be

  • "Well there's also the 1099 income from the manufacturer.... I didn't report that so I guess it could be something extra" timestamp

    • "I didn't have the money to pay the taxes on it, I spent it all" :marseykneel:
  • Not setting money aside for taxes?

  • Checks his March income later timestamp

    • 9'000 before taxes and minimum wage removal, around 6'000 after all that is taken out


  • He has two phones because he wanted two phone numbers

  • "[The debt]'s not 'new new' it's been there, it just got worse" timestam

  • Credit Card 1 (Revy) (302,32) timestamp

    • 205 amount past due, "I had to pay my rent so I couldn't pay the card"

    • 4 months of missed payments, what a king. Frick that card.

  • Credit Card 2 (CreditOne) ($500/$500) timestamp

    • Got this one after the repo - only card that would "help him out"

    • He thinks this one is closed but not sent to collections yet

  • Credit Card 3 (Also CreditOne) [timestamp](

  • Card 3 (738)

    • $125 past due - 2 payments
  • Credit Card 3 (Also CreditOne) (1500/1200) timestamp

    • $268 past due (3 payments)
  • Credit Card 4 timestamp

    • He paid this off "It's on automatic payments"

    • "I didn't catch it in time, if I'd a caught then that one would not be on autopay" :marseychad:

  • Credit Card 5 timestamp

    • $1 of credit free
  • Rent $2250 a month

    • Rents a townhouse timestamp

    • Two bed, two bath, attached two car

    • Signed lease last year, just resigned in February

  • Car got repoed "that was in the past" timestamp :marseyretardchad:

    • 4 years ago "That wasn't my fault though, that was somebody else that did that"
  • "My plan is to make more money" :marseyretardchad:

  • CashApp Payments timestamp

  • Car (14'000) [timestamp](

    • Paid the car bill late, ate a $20 late fee

    • Caleb seethes over a 2015 Chrysler 200 for some reason :marseychonker2:

    • "It was a steal"

      • dealership advertised a price but then charged him a higher price :handsomechud:

      • Got it in 2020

    • 24% interest rate, got this car soon after his other was repoed

    • Doesn't drive this around?

      • Doesn't drive it around because he got a new car, he's trying to sell and find someone gullible to take over the payments timestamp

        • "So you're going to prey on people"

          • "Nah I'm helpin help them out, it's like a quid pro quo" :chad:
    • Has hail damage. There's some weird insurance thing timestamp

    • Owes 14'000 on this $8'000 car timestamp

      • "So that's not super terrible" :marseybrainlet: :marseygigachad:
  • Car 2 (28'700) timestamp

    • Mercedes, this is the one he drives around

    • $650 minimum payment

    • 18% interest rate

    • "It's in really good condition"

  • Car 3 (13'700) timestamp

    • This was the one that got repoed

    • Nissan

    • Was in a relationship for 3-4 years, he bought a car for her mother, the mother made payments on it for 6 months but when the relationship ended and she stopped paying on it

  • Energy Bill from 2023 that he didn't pay

    • From his old place probably, he didn't know about it

    • $600 bill

    • :soyjaktantrum: "You paid for your credit report and you never went through it once?!" timestamp

      • :marseyretardchad: "No"
  • Personal Loan

    • Mentioned and then forgotten about?
  • Checking Account (-$50) timestmap

    • Lots of eating out lmao

    • He's subbed to near a dozen streaming services

      • "I be watchin shows"
  • Credit Score 567 timestamp

    • "It was worse but I've put in work"

Finances Pie Chart timestamp

Attempts to form a budgeting plan timestamp


What is a plural? :marseyconfused:A plural is according to themselves

Plurality is the state of having multiple headmates collectively sharing a single body. A group of headmates is called a system. Plural experiences are extremely diverse. Systems may be spiritual in nature or secular, median or partitionary, small systems or ones with thousands of headmates

According to regular people you might be aware of them as people who fake DID/MPD, You might've thought of it as a small mostly TikTok based community that was around for a short period in 2020 if any of you remember the infamous video

>HI im bunny! :marseybunny2:H-h-h-hey im oliver :marseygigaretard:

Now how do these people explain themselves after being accussed of faking DID :marseyquestion:

DID is a specific psychiatric diagnosis. It is a Complex Dissociative Disorder(CDD) alongside several other disorders like P-DID (ICD only), OSDD, and UDD.

Some plural folks meet the criteria of a CDD, but many do not, as these disorders have very specific criteria- and experiencing 'more than one' experiences of various kinds is only one of those.

So they created a whole new spectrum lol

Some important words used in these spaces:

Plural = a person experiencing plurality :marseyautism:

Singlet = someone who isn't plural :marseygigachad:

System = a group of people inside the body :marseymeds:

Headmate = an entity inside the system

switching = a headmate taking over the system from another headmate

sysmed = someone who believes "systems" can only exist in disorders such as DID

Theres more terms (some are funny asf :marseylaugh:) but those are the most important:


What are the causes of plurality (besides being an attentionseeker even doe i and (you) !attentionmaxxers are one aswell)

Traumagenic is the name for plurality caused from having trauma :marseygiveup:

Plurality can also come from tulpamancy (if you didn't know tulpamancers are the coomers of the occult world)

and other causes are called endogenic which spawns the terms "endo" and "anti-endo"

Internet history

They seem to have begun in 2001 when a website named darkpersonalities created an article on why they don't identify with their diagnosis (im assuming this was actual diagnosed ppl not identifying cuz im not reading allat), But the actual time i found when this whole community i think took off is when in 2019 streamer protomagicalgirl disclosed their plurality, which made the xitter :marseybluecheck: hashtag #pluralgang trend and made many people "recognize" they were also plural


Ok heres the community to troll now :marseytroll: (posts are restricted apparently but i havnt tried posting yet and if not should be easy to get into, also i think comments are free game)

Dramaworthy post to mine btw

MTF 33 year old plural lesbian recieves backlash in lesbian sub (xer whole account is also very interesting :marseylowpoly:)

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