:asianchudgenocide: :marseyflagphillipineslove::marseyflagphillipineslove::marseyflagphillipineslove:

I generally love SQ so I normally ignore the subtle micro aggressions but my flight yesterday felt like I was being pranked.

Flew from Sydney to Singapore and despite the extremely busy airport, the ground crew was amazing. I chose the aisle seat next and had a lovely Caucasian lady and her pre-teen daughter next to me. I started noticing immediately that the crew would initially ask questions only to the lady and move on (“Any drinks for you Ma'am?”) and I had to call them back for water.

The strange thing happened during the first meal time. They bought out the daughter's meal first and then the lady's standard chicken meal. I thought it makes sense because of special dietary requirements and family and all. Two hours passes and they're cleaning up and I politely remind the crew lady in my area that I never received a meal. She looked surprise and provides a hasty apology and says she'll look into it after clean up. Nothing happens. I'm starving and realised they forgot about me again when they start serving the refreshments (more than 6 hours into the flight). The lady notices and complains on my behalf as my stomach is actually growling now. A senior male crew member joins then and apologises profusely, mostly to her but also somewhat to me? Turned out that they ran out of most of the food option and asked if I was ok with a vegetarian meal. I said yes as I'm that hungry then. I never got the refreshment meal or an offer of that in the end.

While the missed meal part was the worst, throughout the whole flight, I think I never had more of a challenge to get service. I used the call button 4 times for water and got ignored. The lady had to order 3 water every time to make sure I actually stayed hydrated.

I fly with SQ about thrice a year and this was the first time the service was ever this bad. The funny thing is, all the crew members on this flight looked South Asian and I am of Indian descent so I'm not even sure if this is a whole “we can ignore her, she's one of us” thing. Either way, very unpleasant experience and not sure what to do with it.

internalised racism :marseypajeetitsover:

Pinkerton Syndrome is a term for the perceived tendency of some Asians to regard Whites as superior or more desirable, especially for marriage or relationships.


SINGAPORE - Fifteen-year-olds here have emerged top performers in an international benchmarking study to measure how well students use their knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems.

Based on the performance of 6,606 students from 149 secondary schools and 15 private schools, including international schools and madrasahs, Singapore was ranked No. 1 for mathematics, science and reading in the Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) 2022.

The study, which is done every three years by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), was delayed by a year because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the last Pisa study in 2018, Singapore was ranked second after China, which did not participate in the latest study because its schools were closed when the study was being conducted.

Compared with 2018, Singapore students who took part in Pisa 2022 maintained their performance in mathematics and improved substantially in science, but their performance declined slightly in reading.

The Education Ministry said the decline in reading for Singapore students is similar to that of their peers in many other countries and may reflect the impact of a global change in reading habits.

The latest Pisa cycle also showed that Singapore continued to have high proportions of students who did well.

In reading, for instance, 23 per cent of students in Singapore were top performers. For mathematics and science, the figures were 41 per cent and 24 per cent respectively. Top performers achieve proficiency of level five and six.

Similarly, Singapore had fewer students who were low performers in reading at 11 per cent and in mathematics and science at 8 per cent. Such students achieve proficiency below level two.

MOE said in a press release that the Pisa 2022 results, taken together with the results of another international benchmarking study, the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (Pirls), affirm the resilience of Singapore's education system.

In the Pirls study released in May, Primary 4 pupils in Singapore emerged as the top readers in the world.

MOE paid tribute to teachers here and said the results reflect the dedicated efforts of schools and teachers in supporting the learning and well-being of students throughout the pandemic.

Noting that Pisa tests students' ability to apply what they have learnt to unfamiliar settings and real-world contexts, MOE said: "Singapore students have shown that they are good in mathematical reasoning, can distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information, and use computational thinking (for example, pattern recognition, defining algorithms) as they solve complex problems in a variety of modern contexts."

These are critical skills that will prepare students well for global changes like digitalisation, the emergence of new technologies and the advent of new professions.

MOE also said “Singapore students continue strong performance despite Covid-19 disruptions, including those from lower socio-economic status homes”, based on figures that showed students from disadvantaged homes did better than the OECD average in all three domains tested.

The Pisa 2022 survey highlighted a few problem spots for Singapore students.

One was their perception of a lack of support from their parents, and another was the lack of physical activity among them, with 29 per cent reporting that they do not exercise at all after school.

Commenting on the results, Education Minister Chan Chun Sing said on his Instagram page: "Great job to our students for persevering with their learning despite disruptions caused by the pandemic.

"My deepest gratitude to our educators too, who adapted quickly when learning pivoted online, and came up with many innovative teaching methods to ensure that learning continued."

He added: "We will not rest on our laurels and continue to work closely with schools, parents and partners to support our students in their education journey.

"Let us always strive to surpass ourselves, rather than focusing on outperforming others."

Dr Andreas Schleicher, director for education and skills and special adviser on education policy to OECD's secretary-general, praised Singapore for continuing to lead the global league tables in Pisa.

"It has been one of the few countries that saw no negative effects on learning outcomes during the pandemic," he said, adding that there are many factors at play, including the consistent and high expectations on students and an instructional system that provides rigour in terms of cognitive demand and focus.

He said another factor is the push to teach fewer things in greater depth, and coherence -- in terms of modelling learning progressions carefully, for example, in Singapore mathematics.

Noting some areas of concern, he said: "Social disparities in learning outcomes remain clearly visible in Singapore. Also, in terms of students' sense of belonging, Singapore is more an average rather than a high performer.

"Not least, we have seen a decline in parental support and engagement in Singapore, an area in which Singapore used to be strong."

Are you as smart as Singapore's 15-year-olds?

Try answering these four maths questions. Tap the image to enlarge.

Happy International Hug an Asian Person Day!!! No Nom November Day 25

Hug every one you see today :D


这个那个 (The Caifan Song) :marseyasian:




SINGAPORE: Online personality Kurt Tay has been charged with distributing sexual content on Telegram.

Tay, whose real name is Tay Foo Wei, returned to court on Thursday (Nov 16. to face a charge of distributing an intimate photo and video without a woman's consent.

The 41-year-old Singaporean, who was first charged on Nov 1, is accused of sending a video of a woman performing a s*x act to a Telegram chat group on Oct 27.

This was done without the woman's consent, and with Tay knowing that it was likely to cause her humiliation, alarm and distress, the charge sheet said.

A gag order is in place to protect the identity of the victim and the order extends to the name of the chat group.

On Thursday, Tay arrived in court with his father. People lined the public gallery, giving each other updates on the court mention via a Telegram chat group separate from the one in the charge sheet.

The police prosecutor said more time was needed to complete the directions the Attorney-General's Chambers had given to the investigating officer and asked for four weeks' adjournment.

Tay told an interpreter that he intended to apply to the Public Defender's Office (PDO). The judge said the PDO application was to be made within a week and an update was to be provided.

She asked Tay to have his bailor present at the next hearing for any fresh charges to be tendered. He might be given additional similar charges as well as a charge under the Protection from Harassment Act.

Tay will return to court on Dec 11.

Tay first came to the public eye when he auditioned for Singapore Idol in 2006. He later became known for his behaviour such as carrying a World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) belt, getting breast implants and accepting a challenge for a street fight.

He refers to himself online as Superstar Celebrity Kurt Tay and updates his followers on his life.

If convicted of distributing intimate material without a woman's consent, he could be jailed for up to five years, fined, caned, or given any combination of these punishments.



Happy 11.11 Day :soyconsoomer: :marseysoccer: :marseyfry!:

:soyjakanimeglasses: attempts to smugpost on /r/singapore

11/11 is ww1 armistice day but somehow OP feels that we need to commemorate that in singapore? 11/11 is more like cyber monday in singapore. i guess the op is trying to feel superior by making the post.

OP :soyjakanimeglasses:

11.11 is a day of remembrance for people who fought and died for the place. It started as the armistice day of WW1 but it has expanded to the wars of the latter years. In singapore, perhaps the most important conflict is WW2. Lim bo seng, adnan saidi, liz choy and many more who sacrificed for their land, regardless of which flag is on these lands.

“lest we forget” is usually associated with remembrance day.

**We do actually commemorate 11.11 at Kranji War Memorial as a matter of fact every year on the closest Sunday. There is low awareness of it which brings my point, its not JUST some European thing. Click on the link above to read more.....


of course some /r/sg redditors won't miss this opportunity to dunk on the average redditor

:marseydisagree: OP is trying to make a serious point, but the comments are like....

:marseysmug3: : It's what happens when the average citizen doesn't bother about history after finishing school. This enables the government to demolish historical buildings left and right since it'll be met with relative apathy, which makes local history even staler, thus reducing the amount of shits given. Voila, we've got ourselves a vicious cycle

:marseysmug2: : nah, humans, as a species, is doomed to be stuck in a loop... we cannot break free from our own "programming".

we survive, we build, we innovate, then we will destroy, and loop repeats.

:marseysmug: : Cuz the average Singaporean redditor is uneducated about history

:marseyeyeroll: : OP is making a stupid point by tying the Armistice Day which is the end of World War 1 with World War 2. World War 1 has nothing to do with us and he/she knows it so he tries to make the tenuous connection about "expanded to WW2". Purlease. There is infinite amounts of ways to say we should commemorate XXX day in history because it has something something to do with something today. […]

:soyjakanimeglasses: : Yes yes, please stay low and (try) to get rich, you without ideals or stake in this society.


Facebook post from the boother below:

Good afternoon everyone, due to a series of unfortunate circumstances, I would like to clarify that I have nothing to do with the Japanese S*x Toy Giant, Tenga. I draw butts only, I don't sell Tenga.

The The Straits Times have refused to do a public/written apology and a clarification for using my totally unrelated booth photo to cover the news of Tenga boothing at AFASG, so I will do it myself instead.

I am actually very angry at the way all my years of hard work and image is treated by The Straits Times, but I have a reputation to salvage, so this is a heavily edited PR post masking all my lovely intent to send them a crate of Scott's Emulsion, which is said to really stimulate brain cell development.

Please do not attack the journ*list and editor, that would be too much and unwarranted for.

Here, I rest my case. I apologize for interrupting everyone's lunch break with such an unpalatable exposure to this incident. Thank you for reading this far.

Censored in photo is my booth helper, not me ya, who also does NOT sell Tenga

Two ways of rendering PORK FAT INTO LARD :marseypig: :horny!:
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