Reported by:
EFFORTPOST rDrama Featureset [last revision 8MAY23]

Hello! Welcome to rDrama! What follows is a brief rundown of key features and mechanics of the site to help ease users into their time here. Whether a dry, enormous wall of text is the best method of providing that is debatable, but at the very least it should serve as a handy reference material for some parties. There are no jokes or wit to be found on this page: this is strictly dry documentation.


The economy of the platform, built on a pair of proprietary fiat currencies. This economy is the foundation of the platform, and virtually all user actions are taken out of a desire for personal enrichment.


  • Dramacoin (dc) - The primary currency, somewhat analogous to karma. One (1) dramacoin is awarded to a user for every vote they get on a post or comment. Upvotes and downvotes both pay 1dc, except during "double xp" events which are exactly what they sound like. Other methods of amassing dramacoin include, but are not limited to, Marsey submissions, the casino, the lottershe, hat commissions, betting threads, user exchanges, treasure chests.

  • Marseybux (mb) - The premium currency. Marseybux spend exactly the same as dramacoin, with the only exceptions being the Grass Award. Marseybux are given out in tiered monthly stipends to paypigs (among other benefits) of rDrama's Gumroad. Marseybux are also the usual currency for payouts of site contests, events, and coding bounties.

The Shops

rDrama has two shops, which will be discussed in this section.

  • Award Shop - The Award Shop is divided into three aisles: Graphical, Status Effect, and Profile Upgrade.
    Graphical awards make obnoxious graphics appear on posts. Each item includes a description of its effect, but, for example, the Wholesome award will make the Marsey variant of the Reddit Wholesome Seal (Tene) float around the screen and bounce off the walls. Applying more Wholesome awards to that thread will add more wholesome seals. All graphical awards stack (with the exception of Confetti), usually up to 5. Graphical awards also pay the recipient (unless self-awarded) 10% of the award's cost.
    Status Effects apply a status to the recipient for a set duration of time, also explained in the item description. The Ban award bans the recipient for 24 hours, the Pizzashill award requires the recipient to make their comments a minimum of 280 characters for 24 hours in honor of our long-time incel longposter @pizzashill, the Marsey award only lets the recipient type in Marsey emojis for 24 hours, and so on. Each House also has 1 House-specific award at the time of this writing, though that number will increase in the future.
    And, finally, Profile Upgrades are expensive, high-end items that will permanently improve the recipient's site experience and give them an animated profile badge related to the upgrade. This ranges from admin-tier powers such as permanent Unblockable status, the inability for people to unfollow the recipient, an unmuteable profile anthem, the ability to see users' alts, to view private profiles, and more. All dramacoin spent in the Award Shop is recorded and at certain intervals, profile badges are awarded and each tier grants the user a permanent 2% discount at the Award Shop.

  • Hat Shop - The Hat Shop is an inconveniently large collection of user-submitted, Carp-approved hats that users can buy to wear on their avatar. Static hats are 500dc/mb each, animated ones are 1000dc/mb each. Hats are equipped after being purchased by pressing the "Equip" button, and an unlimited number of hats can be worn. It will cycle through them at random with each pageload. Hat designers receive 10% of the sale price for each sale of one of their designs. Purchasing hats also drives up the hat collection tally on the buyer's profile, and at certain intervals (capping at 250), users are automatically granted hat collector profile badges.

The Casino

Marsey's Palace, rDrama's very own digital casino, has four games at the time of this writing. Total winnings (or losses) are tracked on users' profiles, and daily as well as all-time leaderboards are found on each game's page. There are plans for more in the near-ish future, including Marsey racing, peer-to-peer poker, and craps, as well as an in-casino shop that will allow for unique skins for slot machines, custom decks of cards, and more.

  • Roulette - Users bet on a variety of outcomes upon which the roulette wheel can stop, with variable payouts based on odds. Unlimited bets can be placed. Results come in every five minutes and are constant across the site.

  • Blackjack - Get closer to 21 than the dealer without going over. Dealer stands on 17. This is not pure RNG; we use four decks and they are literally shuffled. It is not rigged and it does not learn from you. It is pure math.

  • Slots - Slot machines don't require an explanation as far as I'm concerned. Odds are fixed and each spin is entirely random based on those odds, with a variety of possible combinations and payouts. A jackpot feature will be added.

  • Lottershe - The lottery. Buy tickets, make the jackpot increase. One lucky user will be awarded the entire thing every 10 days, along with a profile badge indicating their immense skill.

Miscellaneous Economy

  • Every comment a user makes has a 1:100 chance of generating a treasure chest or a mimic. Treasure awards the user 1-1000 dramacoin, mimics will steal 1-500.

  • Every approved Marsey submission pays 250 dramacoin to the artist. Marseys are discussed later in this document.

  • Administrators will occasionally host betting threads for sporting events, spree shooter racial identities and victim counts, election results, and drunken whims. Bets are a flat 200dc each, and all users who voted for the winning choice receive the total amount bet divided equally among them.

  • Every profile has a "Send Dramacoin" and "Send Marseybux" button and users frequently solicit goods and services in exchange for currency.

  • There are, somewhat obviously, other minor ways in which currency is earned and spent, but those are relative edge cases and will be mentioned as necessary throughout this document.

User Experience


Users have robust customization options, for both their chosen outward "aesthetic" and for their own personal site experience. This section deals with the first tab of the Settings Page.

  • Theme - Users can select from a number of starkly different and visually pleasing themes, from the retro Win98, to the retrofuture Tron, to the simple yet elegant Coffee and Dramblr to 4chan and beyond.

  • Background - Users have the option to set a background to fill the whitespace should they so choose, either one of many preset backgrounds, or, for paypigs, the ability to upload their own. These can be either static or animated.

  • House - Users have the option of joining one of four rDrama Houses, which will be discussed later in this document.

  • Profile Picture - The user's avatar or "pfp" - self-explanatory. This can be animated or static.

  • Banner - Also self-explanatory. The banner at the top of a user's profile and the popout module when their name is clicked. Static or animated.

  • Username - Users have the ability to change their username at any time and at no cost. The original username is always reserved to them. The next field allows for customizing the color of one's username.

  • Pronouns - In the interest of maximum inclusivity, rDrama allows for users to set any pronouns they desire in this field. Pronouns cap at 5 characters each, but if one has a specific neopronoun that is longer, administrative exceptions can be made.

  • Flair - A short message that appears beside your name, maximum of 100 characters. Site emojis and regular emojis are allowed and encouraged. The next flair allows for choosing the color of one's flair.

  • Profile Anthem - A song that autoplays on a user's profile. This can be done by simply inputting a YouTube URL, or via direct MP3 upload.

  • Bio - Self-explanatory. Tell the website about yourself, or insult them.

  • Friends and Enemies - Perhaps even more self-explanatory. Tell the world who you love and hate. Users are notified if they are listed as a friend or an enemy.

  • Signature - A paypig-only feature, and a throwback to the forums of yesteryear.

  • Private Mode - Hide your post history from both search engines and other users. Users with the All-Seeing Eye profile upgrade can see through this.

  • Spider - A friendly spider will crawl across your screen when you are browsing rDrama.

  • Filters - Users can disable both slurs and profanity should they so choose. rDrama shibboleths will also automatically replace a number of words and terms with the Slur Filter enabled. Both are enabled by default and disabling them is discouraged so as not to take the internet so seriously.

In-Depth Experience

  • Advanced Settings - Users also have access to a number of customization options for browsing and off-site links via the Advanced Settings Page, such as Reddit and Twitter replacers (i.e. reveddit, unddit, nitter, etc.), the number of threads per page, the ability to disable the flashier graphical effects here for lower-end hardware, and so on. Each option is explained in full on the Advanced Settings Page and will not be repeated here.

  • Custom CSS - From the CSS Page, users can add custom CSS to both their profile for all users to truly make it their own, and edit the site's CSS itself for their local viewing experience.


rDrama users have a particular fondness for collecting Profile Badges - small graphics indicating an achievement, contributing art to the site, highly visible bait, being featured in news articles, participation in an event, an admin's lust for them, and other such things. A full list of badges can be found here. New badges are issued relatively often and displayed at all times on the popout profile module, and user profiles themselves.


The Leaderboards can be accessed via the Trophy icon in the topnav on desktop, or bottomnav on mobile. Users can see where they stack up against their digital peers in a growing number of categories. There is currently no benefit to Leaderboard placement beyond bragging rights, but this is planned to change in the future.


Users have a number of options to visually spruce up their posts as well as adding interesting mechanics to them. These can be found under any comment or thread entry field by clicking "Formatting help". This document will provide an overview of common actions. Users familiar with Reddit markdown will be aware of a number of these already.

  • Bold/Italics - Surrounding text with ** on each side will make it bold, and * on each side will italicize it. For example: **bold** *italics* would show as bold italics.

  • Linebreaks - Users can add extra linebreaks to post with standard HTML by typing <BR>. Pressing the Enter/Return key will only result in a single linebreak.

  • Hyperlinks - Links can be added to a thread or comment via HTML, or with markdown like this: [This will link to Google]( will appear as This will link to Google.

  • Media - Pictures and videos can be included in threads and comments as well, in two different ways. The simplest way is to just upload the media directly to the post via the Photo icon underneath the text entry field. Third-party media can be embedded with markdown as follows: Note the exclamation point in the beginning, the empty brackets, and the image hotlink in the parentheses. YouTube URLs and Imgur URLs will automatically embed the media without any markdown, however.

  • Patting - Users have the option of giving a reassuring fondling to their peers. For example, if one wishes to pat the writer of this documentation, one would simply type :@carpathianfloristpat:. It is always just colon, at sign, username, with pat at the end, followed by another colon. This will appear as :@carpathianfloristpat:.

  • Polls - Users can include polls in their threads and comments by surrounding poll options, each on their own line, with either && or $$. The ampersand is single-choice, the dollar sign is multiple choice. Poll option formatting would be $$Choice A$$ and so on to allow for users to choose "Choice A" along with other choices, or &&Choice A&& to restrict users to only one choice.

  • Headers - Users can include headers or large text of varying sizes by including one or several hashtags/number signs at the beginning of the line, followed by a space. Sizes range from 1-6, with 1 being the largest, 6 being the smallest. So for a very large header, one would put the following text on its own line: # Large header whereas for a smaller header, one could do ### Smaller header or ##### Even smaller header.

  • Spoilers - Spoilers can be hidden by surrounding text with two absolute value signs on each side. The author of this document was going to include an example, but codeblock markdown doesn't play nicely with spoiler markdown.

  • Pings - Users can ping one another in the expected manner, by simply typing @username which will notify the user as well as link to their profile.

  • Ping Groups - Ping Groups are groups of users who can be pinged by typing !pinggroupname to notify everyone in that Ping Group. Existing Ping Groups can be joined or browsed from the sidebar, or by clicking here. So, for example, to ping every member of the Chuds Ping Groups, one would simply type !chuds which will appear as !chuds and notify every member that they have been mentioned. Pinging Ping Groups which one is not a member of costs 5dc per recipient and pays it to them in order to minimize spam.

  • RNG features - rDrama has taken and improved 4chan's greentext and #fortune commands, while also adding #roll and #factcheck. Users can get their fortune, roll a four-digit number, or factcheck a post by adding the requisite command anywhere in their thread or comment.


Holes are rDrama's equivalent of subreddits, and the author of this document has a tremendously low opinion of them.

  • Cost - Holes cost 50,000dc to create.

  • Expiration - If a Hole has no new posts in any 7-day period, it is automatically deleted. There are no refunds. The creator is, however, granted the rare Hole Neglecter badge.

  • Subscribing - In order to subscribe to a Hole, users must navigate to the Hole itself (/h/toomanyxchromosomes, for example) and click "Follow Hole" at the top of the page. This will notify the user when a new thread is posted there. One can then unsubscribe by pressing the Unsubscribe button that it will change to.

  • Restricted Holes - Some Holes are restricted by default, meaning one must opt into them (above) for their posts to be visible. All Hole owners have the option to restrict their Holes, though some such as /h/chudrama, are both restricted and gated behind a 1488 Truescore (total votes received) requirement.

  • Aesthetics - Hole moderators and owners can change everything about their Hole, from the CSS for all users, to the Marsey at the top of the page, to the sidebar image, and more. A battery of custom @Snappy quotes is available on request.

  • Moderation - As would be expected, Hole owners can appoint moderators, and these moderators can exile people from the Hole. Un-Holed posts can be moved to the Hole by reporting them with /h/HOLENAME, and posts can be removed from a hole by a moderator reporting the post with /h/.

Holigays & Events

rDrama has events, both recurring and one-off, which change the site in varying ways. These include, but are not limited to, double XP (2x coins per vote received), event-specific banners, forced themes and soundtracks, limited time cosmetic awards, a badge for all existing users commemorating the event, and more. A list of some rDrama Holigays follows.

  • Homoween - rDrama's first ever Holigay, runs throughout the month of October. Homoween is a big deal. A sitewide playlist plays on every page, the layout is completely redone with a dynamic banner that changes as the big day draws near, there are around a dozen seasonal awards, new badges are everywhere, and as of Homoween '22 there is the beloved ZIPOCalypse game in which Zombies battle the Vaxxmaxxed.

  • Fistmas - Christmas! Another big one, similar to Homoween in terms of temporary features, although Christmas-themed instead of horror-themed. Runs throughout December.

  • New Queers - Immediately following Fistmas is the New Queers bash. User-submitted yearly banners, double XP, and discounts on celebratory graphic awards.

  • Donkey Kong December - Runs every year from April 2nd to May 9th. Browse rDrama with a custom Donkey Kong playlist, special awards, DK-specific art and more.

  • Black History Month - Users who aren't confirmed Black are required to buy an N-Word Pass from the Item Shop in order to be able to say nigger. N-Word Pass proceeds are paid to confirmed Black users at the end of the month as reparations. POC-themed banners also replace the usual roster.

  • rDrama's Birthgay Bash - Every year in May, rDrama celebrates its birthday. New, permanent celebratory awards are released, a commemorative badge is issued to all users, and Double XP coupled with shop discounts ensures visual chaos.

  • The Gaythering of the Juggalos - rDrama proudly stands with los and lettes around the world and is down with the clown until we are six feet in the ground, ninja. Expect Double XP, Dark Carnival-themed usernames, and clown banners.

  • Future - Future Holigays are planned to be added to the roster as available man hours dictate. These include, but are not limited to: a week celebrating /u/Bardfinn's birthday, Ramadan (Ramranchadan), Thanksgiving (Spanksgiving), May Day (May Gay, an LGBT-themed communist event), and an unnamed Fourth of July event.

Art As A Feature

The full rDrama experience is built on user-submitted art in three primary categories. This section will address that content.

Marseys - Marsey is that adorable orange-and-white cat you have surely noticed all over the place by now. There are over 2,000 variants of Marsey in emoji form usable across the site, and countless hundreds of others in our banners and sidebar images. Artistically inclined users are strongly encouraged to create their own Marseys and submit them via the Marsey Submission Form with a name and tags (in order to be easily found when using the Emoji Picker). Marsey Artists get a profile badge for their first, tenth, and hundredth approved Marsey. Holigay-themed Marseys during their respective events also earn a unique badge for that event that year.

Banners - The long, horizontal image at the top of every page announcing where on the internet the viewer is: Users are encouraged to create and submit their own banners by uploading them here. Note that banner artists receive a profile badge for their first approved banner, and rDrama routinely hosts events soliciting banners around particular themes in which users can earn a limited time badge and/or Marseybux payouts.

Sidebar - Each page also has a fun image in the sidebar. As with the above two items, sidebar images are user-generated and submit here. A successful sidebar submission earns the Sidebar Artist profile badge.


rDrama, while a self-proclaimed “fun speech” rather than “free speech” platform does seek to allow established members to express whatever legal opinions they desire. Upon reaching 100 truescore, /h/chudrama is accessible and can be added to a user's main feed and notifications via the Unblock button at the top of the page. In Chudrama, any opinion goes. The slur filter is disabled, the Chud Award and admin-imposed Chud status effect both do not apply and users cannot be labeled chuds via content in Chudrama. Viewer discretion is advised.


As with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, rDrama users have the chance to join one of four unique Houses. These are, in no particular order: Vampire, Furry, Racist, and Femboy. At the time of this writing, House functionality is fairly limited although there are plans to significantly expand it. Current features and a few upcoming ones are detailed below.

  • House Icon - Members of each House have a small icon beside their username indicating their allegiance. Founders of each House (i.e. all of the original members at inception) have the same icon but with a crown above it. Changing Houses removes the crown.

  • House-Specific Awards - Each House currently has access to one (1) award unique to that house which will cause a thematically appropriate status effect to the recipient for a period of time. More House-specific awards are planned, but ihatecodersihatecodersihatecodersihatecodersihatecoders development is on hold due to a temporary manpower shortage.

  • House Cup - Borrowing further from the Wizarding World, the rDrama Houses will soon be locked into a fierce competition for seasonal supremacy. Details to be announced as development time permits.

  • Sorting Ceremony - A Sorting Hat-style quiz is in the works for users upon account creation which will automatically sort them into the most fitting house.


rDrama has a native chat feature in development and currently in a usable, though user-neglected state. Chat is accessed via the chat icon (topnav on desktop, bottomnav on mobile), or by visiting Occasionally, during big real-world events such as sports championships and high profile court cases, chat will be converted into an Orgy in which the event in question is streamed and as users watch and comment together on events as they play out. Contrasted to regular chat, Orgies typically see triple-digit turnout. New features are in the works for chat as a whole, although at present, this requires a dev proficient in React, which rDrama lacks.


While rDrama is by no means a free speech platform, it does strive to eradicate the contemporary internet-wide problem of incompetent and abusive moderators.

  • Modlog - All moderator actions are logged and publicly visible to all members, accessible at Users can sort by moderator, by action, and by action taken by a specific moderator. rDrama prides itself on holding unpaid internet janitors accountable for their actions.

  • Banned Users - A full list of banned users can also be accessed from that page, including username, date of ban, duration of ban, and the moderator responsible. Unban Awards from the shop lower the duration of both user- and moderator-imposed bans by 24 hours each.


A record of all historical posts in some of rDrama's subreddits pre-migration can be accessed at Currently, this consists of /r/drama, /r/deuxrama, /r/dosrama, /r/zweirama and /r/dtama along with the full logs of the 2021 NNN Reddit powermod Discord server that rDrama compromised and leaked. Additional subs can be added provided there is sufficient interest.


rDrama is free and open source and a staunch supporter of open source software in general. After being banned from GitHub, the repo was moved to rDrama's own Gitea instance at Users are welcome and encouraged to submit their own changes and to peruse the source at their leisure.


It is recommended that users visit /h/changelog and press the bell button at the top to follow it, as substantial updates and changes are logged there for user visibility and as a means of soliciting feedback from the community.
As of 25 April 2023, changelog entries are now recorded in this thread, to which users can subscribe for realtime updates. Less substantial changes are logged here, contrasted to the former /h/changelog Hole in which only fairly large updates were posted.

Mass Casualty Event Events

rDrama leans heavily into coping with the incomprehensibly tragic absurdity of modernity by making sport of it whenever possible. Mass casualty events—typically spree shootings and their inevitable rapid politicization—are thus the subject of routine administrator-hosted betting threads as to the identity and/or motive of the perpetrator, allowing for users to profit from the tragedy while chronicling and later ridiculing the wild speculation across social media and the American news cycle in the immediate, chaotic aftermath of the event. The default template of options and a brief explanation of the rules can be accessed here, for reference.

This is to be considered a living document and will be added to and updated as needed.

v1.06 | documented the changelog restructuring, corrected event dates, updated Marseybux limitations to only be Grass Awards; minor formatting changes

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Justice4Darrell subreddit mentioned in Darrell Brooks trial

As part of the record...

News Articles - tweet from Law & Crime Network producer - brief mention here

rDrama threads - recap [in 10/25 stream it's around the 2:05 mark iirc] - @HeyMoon's perspective

Chronological Updates

2022-10-25 7:21 PM CT: 35,000 users on the subreddit now


7:45 CT: the pinned post now links to

Edit 8:17 PM:

The subreddit has now been banned for violating the mod code of conduct


Edit 8:45 PM:

Producer from Law & Crime Network shouts out

Edit 8:59 PM: /r/SubredditDrama post:

Edit 9:11 PM:

Video from Law & Crime Network

Edit 9:58

holy shit there are so many notifications


Edit 10:03 PM: a /pol/ thread (archive:

Edit 10:37 PM: OutOfTheLoop post:

Edit 10:43 PM: LegalAdviceOffTopic post:

Edit 11:09 PM: post:

Edit 2022-10-26 12:30 AM: /h/museumofrdrama post from @SlackerNews:

Edit 12:49 AM: reformatting to clean up

Edit 2:14 AM: WebSleuths forum post: (and add Fox and Daily Caller article)

Edit 9:03 AM: Darrell Brooks asks for mistrial because of reddit post, is denied

Edit 9:52 AM: Following this event, user @weev has verifiably joined the site

Edit 10:32 AM: added a link

Edit 11:50 AM: added a couple more links to news articles

Edit 10/27 2:29 PM: added Insider article

Edit 2:53 PM: added Vice article

Edit 6:19 PM: added post talking from @HeyMoon's perspective

Edit 6:21 PM: formatting adjustments, move rdrama threads to own section, etc

Edit 6:30 PM: add newsweek and mashable articles

Reported by:
  • 2DBussy : ^ :marseytrain2: seethe
  • Goomble : All rules can and likely will be ignored at the discretion of the janitorial staff.

MINOR UPDATE: Srdines smugpost over the whole thing; users with millions of Reddit karma tut tut about terminally online jannies

Shit is popping off and n8 is going out with a bang. Here is his thread wherein he admits to doing what he could to break as many of @Merari’s mops as possible before leaving:

Which is apparently what this blossoming mop war is about.

This is coming to a head a few days after the Kiwis doxxed Merari (his name is Joost for God’s sake) which you can read about here:

Snappy in that thread should have an archive of the Farms post since KF is still down until later today. It’s a ride.

This is all presumably coming to a head because of Merari’s well-documented, passionate, months-long defense of child rapist Aimee Challenor.

Slack leaks coming soon, will flair thread when updated. Wanna get this posted rn so the Reddit post can be archived.




TW: MELODRAMA :violin:








Killhacks, whose tongue is permanently lodged up Merari’s butt, has noticed this thread almost immediately. Make an account and talk to us babe :marseyblowkiss: SEE UPDATE #3


Hey Femilip - it’s not n8. You can see cuz there’s a reply to his ping in one of the screens and it doesn’t have that tasteful green (yellow? am colorblind :marseygigaretard:) highlight. Also, timestamps. Both are relatively easily falsified, yeah, but I really don’t have time for that and I’m offended at the suggestion that I do.

Hi conalfisher! I still wish you’d join us for real :(


The groomercord user/Reddit mod there, “killhacks” is actually @tardkiller on this very website!

Here is a screenshot of his profile as I am expecting him to nuke its content imminently. Unfortunately, you can’t delete the account itself. rDrama is proudly GDPR noncompliant!




Timestamps scrubbed from this other leaker by request.





I have a short presentation to give in a few, I’ll be back with more in a bit x


A small one but significant? N8 is leading the charge away from Reddit and into the great outdoors lol





Million-karma Reddit poweruser /u/esoterix_luke has just groomercord dropped the tail end of a fight with merari via their Slack dms! Can Merari survive this fallout? Can Reddit survive losing TWO of its 20-hour-a-day volunteers in a month? (yes, jannies are infinitely replaceable)


rDrama user has tea on Luke:



Powerjannies are revealing their chad rDrama accounts to clown on Merari :marseywholesome:


And /u/esoterix_luke comes in hot with another Slack leak!


EIGHTH UPDATE - /r/CenturyClub leaks!

N8 has crossposted his assault on Merari to /r/centuryclub which is apparently a sub only for people with >100k karma or something?


disturbing allegations


Jannie to the jannies yalls the yallers and tells them to move to an even more exclusive subreddit lol


continued discussion of the yalling


assorted poweruser pearlclutching



Here we have a volunteer online janitor comparing Reddit moderation to work with NGOs and assorted charities. This isn't quite on the level of the guy who once essayed at me about how it's the same as working in a soup kitchen or homeless shelter, but it's close.


n8, as /u/karmanacht, explains why he left and why he's back (to piss Merari off 💜)


Some guy comes out very pro-n8 and gives a timeline of events that I'm not reading because I don't care that much. It looks good, though. You should read it.


And finally, for now, some randos also joining #TeamN8. Is it over for Joost?



Merari seems to have lost control of Groomercord :marseyexcited:


Jannies keep dunking on him with this too -

NINTH UPDATE - it has moved to /r/CenturyClubDrama

For a summary of this update, please just look at this helpful summary from the #3 moderator on Reddit, /u/RamsesThePigeon:


The explanation:


Full imgur album of the /r/CenturyClubDrama thread for anyone who wants to stink of corn chips for a few weeks:

To clarify, /u/RamsesThePigeon really is the #3 biggest powermod now that N8 is gone. Source:

He jannies 187 million Redditors. FOR FREE :marseyxd:

Some random fricking Merari essay about the whole thing that I’m not reading. Something about queerphobia. Racism. Sexism. You know the drill by now:



Some rando powerjannie telling Merari that his fanaticism for volunteering for a multibillion dollar global corporation is unhealthy and concerning just now:




just for you bb :marseyblush:


/u/I_PUNCH_INFANTS if you join rDrama and post itt I’ll hook you up with an exclusive bluecheck like I did for Conal and Phoenix. That’s a 100k dramacoin value. FOR FREE.


Powerjannie /u/I_PUNCH_INFANTS now has an rDrama presence as @I_PUNCH_INFANTS 🤗


I think it’s winding down now. For the day at least. Merari is Dutch so it’s quite late there and this is to be expected. Here are some leaks from his personal Slack:

EFFORTPOST UPDATE #8: I am tired and going to bed Janniecord is taking the janniecide well

Right on schedule after the long weekend in which the jannies worked and Reddit employees had barbecues like normal people we are back! If you're just tuning in, you're a few dozen leak threads late. But the latest development was this:

which isn't leaky, but was the public announcement of this reckoning. And now without further ado, today's leaks:


Will update with meltdowns as they accumulate. Just wanted to get this thread up so they know I’m still watching, I’ve just been busy :star:


20:19 EST Gigajannies acknowledge the janniecide:

20:26 EST: jannies are taking to the white supremacist platform Twitter to sneed now

..and they’re crying about getting the rDrama treatment :marseycarptrollg#un:

21:11 The #resignations channel is born

I lost another jannie groomercord account due to suspicious activity and I am now down to three. The walls are closing in.


But anyway they've created a #resignations channel and the infighting is starting back up

lol they're talking about me even though the word rdrama gets autodeleted :marseycarpshy#:

21:27 Intermission

While we wait for more shareworthy tantrums, @ForcedRegistrycel has collated some fun stuff about a dethroned /r/celebrities jannie, one @Vaprz, who is in ruins after losing 14 years of his life to moderating /r/celebrities only to be fired from a volunteer position. I would strongly recommend visiting his thread!

21:57 Emotions run high

Tensions continue to mount in the newly-christened #resignations and /u/HKayn is repeatedly begging people not to make any rash, life-altering decisions like resigning from a moderator position or deleting one's Reddit account.

The users in the powerjannie Groomercord briefly consider whether turning Reddit over to other powermods is the best course of action.


They go on to rule this out. Not because Reddit would obviously just roll their deletions back, but because they (again) don't want to lose their positions or accounts :marseyxd#::

/u/Meepster23, who our own @Julian_H_Cope calls "one of the few respectable mods", pulls the trigger and deletes his Reddit account!

...just kidding lol he lied.

While I have you here, give this a listen!



Is the janniecide over? Six million mops in four hours always did seem suspicious. The numbers just don't add up. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but just like, think about it bro.

I can't believe the jannie counteroffensive is winning lmao. Kill me.

:marseycarpsalute#: the fallen chadmins


I have no idea what this means but something about accessibility on p*rn subs for blind pornsick addicts??

They can’t name rDrama (literally! they made a bot to autodelete any messages containing “rDrama”!) but they’re talking about us. And chtorrr. And Marty the Hate Cat.


A hyperautistic lunatic has noticed the reddit content policy is no longer available in English :marseythonk:

23:50 Bedtime

Ok I am very bored and getting off now. What do you think will happen with the content policy?

One final leak: they think random users who just add subs to their feed to scroll their FYP while they shit are going to rally to their heroic jannies’ defense :marseykneel:

Goodnight dramautists, pray that we all wake to a world free of jannies :#marseycarpsleeping:

EFFORTPOST :marseysailor: Das Tuub | Titanic R-sluration

I just found out about this submarine like an hour ago. I feel really bad for the people trapped inside, especially the kid, but they kinda deserve it for even getting on this thing. Everyone's laughing at the CEO for his dumbass DEI policies, but this is just surface level stuff (lol). No one's actually explained the depths of how r-slurred this guy and his company are, so I thought I'd take some time out of my actual engineering job while I'm sitting in a boring butt zoom meeting to properly call this guy a fricking r-slur, so you can all find this just as funny as I do. I thought you all might appreciate it a little more than just some sporadic tweets about the DEI shit he did. This is going to be like a Challenger-style breakdown and what exactly went wrong so you can appreciate this frick-up.

There's gonna be a lot of naval puns in this so bear with me here. A lot of this is coming from my friend, also an engineer, who's done more research into this than I have.

In the Boatginning

Dramatards, I'd like to introduce you to Stockton Rush. Owner of the the most startup founder-ish name in history, this guy has been making janky submarines his entire life. He got his start in the aerospace industry, as a test engineer on the F-15 with McDonnell-Douglass. Anyone familiar with the industry will note that experience with McDonnell-Douglass is not necessarily a good thing on your resume.

He's made a career out of building submarines that are cheaper and more accessible to the general population, and his company, OceanGate, has had a few successful designs. What's notable about his history, however, is that he's made them cheaper largely by bypassing safety standards. His first submarine that they operated was called Antipodes, was a refit sub built by a different company. Originally intended for research purposes, they used it instead for tourist dives.

The first actual submarine they built was the Cyclops 1, a carbon-fiber (we'll come back to this part) submarine controlled using a PlayStation controller, with an operational depth of 500m. The submarine is deployed/recovered from some weird floating drydock concept, which crucially allows them to not use human rated cranes to recover the submarine.

After seeing some moderate success, he's gone and built the submarine in question, the Titan, which is built from a composite carbon-fiber and titanium. They bought the hull from a company called Spencer Composites, who intended it to be SINGLE USE. The submarine was built to a factor-of-safety (multiple of how much of the expected load you can withstand before it breaks) of 2.25 (which is frick-all, especially for a submarine - should be at least 6, probably more like 10). . A lot of journ*lists who went on board the thing noted that most of the parts on the interior were sourced from local hardware stores, as were the ballast tanks. They were not, as you could imagine, comfortable about being on board once they realized this.

DEI-ing At Sea

This guy's team is a bunch of young, impressionable diversity hires. He's explicitly avoided anyone with experience because they are old and white and men. They're not very inspirational, and so they don't have a place on Rush's team.

Anyone who has worked on an engineering project before knows that any engineer with less than 2 years of practical experience is a massive drain on the project and need to be babysat constantly, ESPECIALLY if they might kill someone. They're usually worth investing in because they'll give you a great return in the long run, but boy are those first couple of years hard.

I didn’t hire experienced people because I’m a racist

oh no my boat sank, how could this have possibly happened


This is going to go a long way to explain why what happened did happen, so buckle up.

Frick-up #1: Carboat-Fiber

Let's talk materials for a second. Carbon-fiber is what's called a composite material, because it's made from a couple of different types of material. You have the carbon fibers themselves, which are really resistant to being stretched in-plane (like pulling apart a sheet of paper), but have very little strength out of plane (like poking a hole in paper) or off-axis (they're woven into almost a cloth, if you pull at a 60 degree angle to that weave, they lose 80% of their strength).

Carbon fibers are usually set in place with solidified plastics, like epoxy. It solves a lot of problems as far as directional strength goes, but you still need to be careful with it. In a specific configuration, it has similar material properties to a common aerospace aluminium alloy (T-6061), while being a fraction of the weight. Great for airplanes and race cars, where mass is a factor.

Steel is the best material, and the only reason you use anything else is either because you don't want it to rust, or because you can't use steel. It's cheap, strong, and (crucially) it can be stressed over and over again without building up stress fractures. If you keep it under a certain limit, it will never break. NO OTHER MATERIAL DOES THIS.

This makes ideal for something that you're going to put under pressure, and then remove it from that pressure, over and over and over again, in a scenario where weight isn't a factor. Like, say, a submarine.

Stockton Rush, however, is way too cool for steel :marseysmug3:. He has instead decided to build his submarine out of the super cool airplane material, without understanding why its there in the first place. Composite materials are generally vulnerable to snapping if they're loaded repeatedly, which is why the company that built this refused to endorse it after finding out it was going to be used like it was.

It's never been used on submarines before, and with really good reason. It's not just not an optimal choice, it's literally the worst one possible. From the Business Insider article:

The Titan sub was never checked to see if it was up to standard because of its "innovation," OceanGate said in 2019. The sub features a carbon fiber hull that had never been used on submersibles before, according to the "Unsung Science" podcast.


Rush managed to bypass safety standards yet again by using completely different materials and then claiming that the standards aren't relevant. They make you sign a massive waiver when you sign up. No one has actually checked if this thing is safe. There's no standard it's being held to, there's no regulation, no third-party review. No matter how good you are, you can always frick up. Their cavalier attitude towards safety has now probably killed the CEO and four other people.

From their blog:

Maintaining high-level operational safety requires constant, committed effort and a focused corporate culture – two things that OceanGate takes very seriously and that are not assessed during classification.

But it's ok, because they have a corporate culture of safety.

Frick-up #2: Electronixed

So this is an interesting note that I found is that the submarine has no onboard navigational system,. Yes, you read that correctly. They operate it by having a different ship monitor its position, and then send it text messages telling it where it is.

Journ*list David Pogue, who rode in Titan to view the Titanic in 2022, noted that Titan was not equipped with an emergency locator beacon; during his expedition, the surface support vessel lost track of the Titan "for about five hours, and adding such a beacon was discussed. They could still send short texts to the sub, but did not know where it was. It was quiet and very tense, and they shut off the ship's internet to keep us from tweeting."


These people are all going to die

That's part of the reason they can't find it, is because the submarine doesn't know where it is, and can't tell anyone even if it did. It even failed before, and they still didn't fix it. That's not just stupid, it's criminally negligent.

The controls of this thing consist of a single button, and is piloted by a PlayStation controller. I'll point out that the idea of using a gamepad as a submarine helm control is not necessarily a bad one, and was actually implemented by USN submariners to great success. It's intuitive to zoomer helmsmen, really easy to teach, and was actually a way better control scheme than what they were using before. That being said, USN submarines are extremely well designed, very redundant, and extremely well-built. This stupid thing has none of that.

Because of the lack of navigation and emergency beacon, these people are very likely going to die, and it's going to be very unpleasant. It's really hard to find submarines even when they want to be found, and there's still no means of even rescuing these people even if they're found. They've got anti-submarine-warfare aircraft searching and everything, but still nothing.

Frick-up #3: Oxy-Constants

I can't think of a good pun for this. There's no real good source on this that I've seen because it's kind of an obscure problem, but they also fricked up the gas lines on the ship.

When maintaining an atmosphere for people to breathe, you have to be pretty careful with the gas composition. You need gas cyclers to remove CO2 buildup, and replace it with oxygen. Nitrogen doesn't need to be replaced because it's not consumed. This is standard on airplanes, submarines, spacecraft, anything sealed. Failure to do this was infamously the cause of the Apollo 1 disaster, where a pure, high-pressure oxygen atmosphere caused a dramatic fire when some nylon started to overheat.

Can you guess what OceanGate have done?


That's right, they've been injecting pure oxygen into the cabin, with untested electronics on board.

Jesus Christ, guys. You get so many startup CEOs bitching about safety standards, and every now and then when they push the limits, we all get a very public reminder of why they're there in the first place. And it usually costs the lives of people who were tricked into getting onto that stupid butt vehicle in the first place.



The @schizo made a post about this 2 months ago

:gigachad2: pays :ethot: for 3 months, then charges back the money. OF complies, given that no actual service was provided.

The foid featured in that post will make another appearance below.

And the @carpathianflorist touched upon this in a thot CashApp post 11 months ago

Digital hooker loses like $50, actual hookers discuss the finer points of tax law, fraud, and more

This has been an issue in the industry for a long time, but I noticed there's been quite a few more posts about this in just the last few weeks. OnlyThots are talking about rising up and switching to Fansly because they say they have better protection against chargebacks.

I recommend clicking over to some of these posts and then randomly clicking accounts to get eyes on these ladies. It's generally quite bleak.

Yesterday: :#marseylaugh:

Unfathomable coomer W.

I can’t believe this is even allowed without any questions asked. It’s far too easy for them to do this! I’m so sorry 😢

unfortunately, this is OF’s reality for us 🥺

So true. I’m very new on OF and it’s got me super nervous.

Everytime I see this, it pisses me off beyond believe 🤬 I can’t believe OF let the happen all the time. How are you supposed to even trust a single sub to do customs or whatever for him, when in the back of your mind you know this can happen?? I always cash out as soon as I’m able to, and the day my first chargeback hits me, I’m done with that fricking site 😤

3 days ago

14 days ago

In the comments of that one is the thot featured in schizos post 2 months ago /u/Britcolombia

I had chargebacks from a sub who quite clearly kept purchasing. So no dispute over the quality of my content. My first feeling was of abuse. What onlyfans need to remember is we are selling a service that involves our bodies. We aren’t selling furniture! I contacted onlyfans and they said sorry for the inconvenience caused! I lost a lot of money but also I felt violated. When people enter into a sexual situation and an agreement is made that is consensual, when one person breaks that agreement it is sexual abuse. No two ways about it! I’m willing to stand with you on this. ❤️


And one more from last month

Luke... :#marseykneel:

Who will make a sigma coomer edit?

I'm relatively new to OnlyFans, and I had a scammer tip around $200. I was just starting out and knew nothing about chargebacks. It was my first post, and at first, I felt proud. I'm super shy and am learning to love all of my curves. When I saw that I was in the negative one day, I was shocked. That's when I learned about chargebacks and how the scammer gets to keep what we create and money is taken from us. I have never felt more defeated, and now I'm starting over, and it's hard. I just thought I'd share my story.


These foids give some words of wisdom as to why it's not as simple a fix as others want to believe

Couple additional snacks

Foid declares onlyfans is harder than 90% of normal jobs

Listen moid, you may be out there in -10 weather at 5 am collecting trash or mowing lawns all day or fighting fires, but I smoked a joint, masturbated and then sat at my laptop for 2 hours. Literally slavery.

Foid gives a recipe for how to make fake c*m



There is perhaps no show more infamous on the Internet than To Catch a Predator. As a lot of you know, I'm writing a book related to To Catch a Predator and my research has led me to a lot of weird and fascinating places. One of these weird places is in the case of one of the most well known predators caught on the show, Lorne Armstrong.

A Brief Background on Lorne Armstrong

There is enough knowledge and documentation out there of his early life before getting caught on the show that it could be its' own separate post, but to give a bit of background on who this guy is before he got caught on the show here are a few things:

  1. Lorne was a former member of the Air Force but the actual details behind his service are murky. He served for only a year before being discharged and he claims he was discharged because he failed a test and was told he would either be discharged or have to change his career in the Air Force. The actual truth is unknown.

  2. Lorne has the nickname of "87" because he graduated 87 out of 87 in his high school class.

  3. He was born and raised in Maine but at the time of the sting was living in Nashville because he has dreams of becoming a country music star, Whenever he had money he would go to karaoke bars and sing song after song thinking he had a wonderful voice. The real reason he fled Maine was because he scammed an elderly couple out of tens of thousands of dollars claiming he would renovate their home on the cheap. In reality he had none of the tools and his alcoholic brother stole a lot of the money so Lorne just left the state to avoid getting sued.

  4. Before the sting, Lorne had been catfished by a woman pretending to be both a woman named Amanda James and her niece. Amanda James convinced Lorne to send her memorabilia of the NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. among other gifts. Lorne apparently spent two years believing he was in a relationship with her before learning she was a catfish when his sister talked to Amanda James on the phone for a few seconds and figured it out immediately. No that's not an exaggeration. That's how dumb he is.

Falling In Love With a 13 Year Old Girl

As a newcomer to the city of Nashville with a completely empty apartment with no furniture:

Lorne didn't have a lot of activities to take up his free time as he was an unemployed bum living off the money remaining out of what he had stolen. So of course he spent a lot of time in Internet chatrooms talking up underaged girls. Lorne had actually talked up two other decoys from Perverted Justice ready to ensnare guys for the new episode of To Catch a Predator, but he wound up singling out a specific decoy who went by the name Kayla. Kayla is...weird. She's supposedly 13 but has the tone and vocabulary of a six year old. Maybe Lorne found that attractive as it would mean she would be easier to manipulate. Who's to say for sure.

This is how the conversation between the two starts:

It's important here to notice that the chatlog between the two is around 400 PAGES long. It would take far too long to break down every single day or moment of the chatlog, so I will just stick to a faint outline and the most memorable moments.

While Lorne is an absolute dumbass, he has enough braincells to formulate the beginning stages of grooming as evident here:

He tries to lure the decoy into a false sense of security by letting her know he is one of the "non-weirdos" and that she can trust him.

Here is where Lorne initially turns the conversation sexual. If you notice it takes less than two hours into talking before he feels comfortable enough to do it. The decoy playing as Kayle plays along and acts like she has no idea about s*x or masturbation beyond it hurting yet Lorne still pushes her towards it.

I'm going to fast-forward here because as I said this chatlog is ridiculously long and I'll hit the main points here.

Lorne tells Kayla to ask her dad to go shopping and buy a thong because when Lorne bought his underaged nieces a pair of tight shorts it made him feel good:

One reoccurring element in their chatlog is that Lorne is paranoid about the "Yahoo police" finding out what he is doing so he tells Kayla every night to delete her archives:

One of the more infamous moments in the entire chatlog is when Lorne gets jealous of Kayla's 13 year old ex, Derek:

To emphasize how stupid and pathetic Lorne is, here is a snippet where he opens his cam and shows off both sides of his brand new credit card to Kayla, bragging about the $300 limit:

Here Lorne professes his love for Kayla for the first time...after six days of chatting:

Lorne proposes that when they meet up Lorne could give Kayla a Walmart bracelet in exchange for a used pair of her panties:

Lorne explains to Kayla that if she were to swallow his semen she wouldn't be hungry anymore:

It's also important to notice that Lorne would have his cam on constantly and he would always be naked and have it pointed at his peepee. If Kayla clicked away from his cam he would get angry and tell her to click back. He referred to it as "Mr. Peepee":

Two days before their planned meeting Kayla tells Lorne her parents are both doctors. Lorne tells her that her mom could deliver their future children but not the dad because...well, you just have to read it:

Finally, on the day they're supposed to meet:

Oh, yeah, it's Lorne's birthday. The plan is to drive her from her mansion in Kentucky to his desolate, empty apartment in Nashville, where he'll spend the weekend having s*x with her on his mattress on the floor. Embarrassingly, he doesn't have enough money for gas to drive back and has to ask Kayla for some money that her parents have supposedly left her for the weekend alone. He makes the long drive to Kentucky ecstatic at the idea of being with his 13 year old girlfriend, completely unaware his real date is with Chris Hansen and law enforcement.

Part 2

In my next part I'll cover the actual sting and what happened there, what charges he was hit with, and some of what he went through in prison.

If you can't wait to see this guy's whole world crumble down here is the full, uncut sting segment with him.

If you're wondering how we have the full segment when we don't for so many others, Lorne sent it to a catfish since he had access to it as part of his defense. Not just any catfish, though. The second catfish pretending to be the decoy actress who greeted him at the sting. The second out of three different catfishes all pretending to be the same actress that interacted with him in the sting. And yes, he learned they were all catfishes and still fell for it two more times afterwards.

Trust me, this story gets insane.

Reported by:
  • Arran : I save but don't upvote effortposts :)
EFFORTPOST [effortpost] Dating Apps - The Greatest Well of Untapped Drama. Or "Why can't Reddit Spergs get laid?"

carp this'll be good, it's full of incredible retards

Digital Dating Environment

If you have been taken and/or have been touching grass recently, online dating apps are now the way that most people meet their partners. It's essentially taken what used to be a fairly time consuming process of meeting new people through mutual interests, and condensed it into a literal digital meat market. Most apps lie on a spectrum of how much they lean into this. If you're unfamiliar, or are currently dating and out of the loop, the main players are:

  • Tinder - The original swipe app. You're shown a photo album, a brief bio (usually a joke), and you can say yes or no by swiping left or right

  • Bumble - Bizarre feminist version of Tinder where women have to message first. Usually slightly better quality women, but they have to make the first move in a text and women are useless at this

  • OKCupid - The OG dating site, now mostly full of Filipina women looking for green cards

  • Hinge - The better dating app IMO. Premium allows for some pretty strict filters (education filter set to college or higher acts almost entirely like a fat filter, it's amazing). No swipe mechanic, you have to read a profile and like something specific about them, with a message attached if you want.

OKCupid used to run a pretty great blog back in the day before they got bought out by wokies. They used to run experiments on users and then publish the results. One of the more interesting ones was where they removed the bio of people's profiles at random, and saw what happened to their match rate.


Absolutely fucking nothing



They also tried removing people's pictures and matching them at random to see if they'd connect. On average, people had much longer and deeper conversations (increases in number of messages and average message length). Most women will only message you back if you're much better looking than them, which is kind of unsurprising. You would too if you were getting a lot of attention. When you take that away, and even if you go on a blind date, they're generally pretty happy.


Then they turned the lights back on and showed everyone who they'd been talking to, and more than half of them instantly unmatched the other. The conclusion they drew was that people (as a general population) are exactly as shallow as their dating apps will let them allow.


There also used to be a separate score for looks and personality, which were pretty much an exact match.

The whole point of this is to illustrate what turns the gears of online dating: it's photos.

Photos only.

And only the first photo.

As a personal anecdote, this girl I was really into broke up with me and I took a bunch of stupid posey photos to revamp what was a profile full of just average pictures to try and sleep with someone hotter than her. I played with lighting and shot composition. Didn't lose any weight or gain any muscle (5'11" 163lbs for ref, relatively fit) or change my bio at all. I went from one irl date maybe every 3-6 months, to 6 in a week. It's fucking nuts how much of a difference it makes.

Redditors and Not Getting Laid

That last section should not come as any kind of surprise and if someone posts that, please tell them to rope.

It is, however, news to redditards. Despite general public opinion, Zoomers and Millenials are having significantly less sex than previous generations and that's a good thing. I am consistently amazed at what people will show as part of their public profiles, especially to people they're trying to sleep with.

Here's some highlights:

And some women for fun too:

They also can't fucking text if they ever even get a match:

You'll hear a lot of shit about women only going for the top 10-20% of men on dating apps. This is the primary reason - most men are shit candidates. They look like this, take bad photos, give creepy ass intros and replies, and then don't get laid, and are completely surprised how this could happen.

What does this mean for drama?

Aside from the fact that most of these people I've shown are dorks, they post feedback threads pretty regularly. Most of them end up being threads about how "Oh your photos are fine, online dating's just hard!". Or they'll tell people that all they need to do is reorder their profiles.

I call on you, hard-working dramanaut, give these people the feedback they actually need. I will find you the first few, and all you need is to give them some helpful life advice. This is your chance to reaaally get creative with it. Here are some bad examples:

Instead of... (Real Reddit Comments!) Say This:
[It’s your look. Hinge is more of a relationship oriented app. It’s not tinder. Be yourself but just understand that’s probably why you aren’t getting matches.]( Bitch, you're fat as fuck. No wonder you aren't getting matches. Lose some weight and try again
[Not sure why your post is getting downvotes, but just wanted to say I think your pictures are pretty good man]( Did you lose a bet, or are you trying to stay a virgin?
Reported by:
  • whyareyou : Foid nonsense, disregard
  • Aisha : Somebody find a real doctor. God is turning me into an earthworm and I need it to stop.
  • Genius : He's real i asked him
  • Spiderman : Real journ*lism
  • Urboros : It's about Ethics in Gaming Journ*lism
  • Downie : Aisha, I will still love you even though your a worm
  • 0 : Metadrama bs


Basically every doctor is given something called an NPI number by the federal government. Every state also gives out licenses to work there.

Garry said he went to Harvard, worked in New Mexico as a hematologist/oncologist and also said he had a 5 letter last name. I looked up all hematologists/oncologists who have ever been licensed in NM. (The NPI database shows this, you can search by taxonomy) None with a 5 letter last name went to Harvard. (He was challenging people to doxx him)

Like a month ago I asked him about this. First he said he didn’t have to be licensed in NM as he wasn’t practicing as a doctor, just overseeing the clinic. Then he said he changed his last name so it wasn’t actually 5 letters in the NPI system. Today he claims he was only licensed in CA. Btw maiden names are listed in the NPI database, pretty sure.

This is on top of him lying about donating marrow post cancer (not allowed) & some other crazy things like $100 tires for his lambo, pics of which he won’t post. Think there’s more car drama but wasn’t here for it and idc.

He also said he was terminal with Burkitt’s lymphoma and had 5-7 months but now says he’s in treatment and will go back to work soon (??).

When I called him out earlier he said to look up his former boss at some lab who had an NPI starting with the “T15”. NO NPI STARTS WITH T. They literally ALL start with 1.

I always assumed he worked in a lab but wasn’t a doctor since he has tons of pathology posts (diagnosing disease) and not much about treatment. Oncologists DO NOT DIAGNOSE.

Also I have NEVER EVER heard of someone who is both an ER physician and an oncologist (two separate taxonomies). There are oncologists for ICU/intermediate ICU etc who work at hospitals but they are NOT ER doctors.

He also frequently misspells HIPAA as HIPPA which is a privacy law that you literally see every fricking day even if you’re a secretary in healthcare.

Anyways it just never added up so I made the post, and he made a post saying I was jelly of not being the only cancer survivor (fair). Then he sent me a message asking for a truce.

I asked for proof such as his NPI number. He said no. I said I can’t help u unless I can verify someone with your demographics exists (like 7 letters of last name & oncologist in CA, so not even that specific)

Then I said I would take it down (to get him to confess). He then said would make a post where he admits he “fabricated” some stuff but still say he is a doctor. I gave him 48 hours. He’s doubling down. So now I’m posting again.

Original post I deleted:

Garry Chess: Fake Doctor? No hematologist/oncologist with a 5 letter last name has ever been license in NM who went to Harvard

It’s easy to search for yourself.

I asked him about it but it still doesn’t sit right with me, especially after people saying he lies about his cars etc. Garry says his NPI (national provider identifier, every doctor, dentist, PA, etc has one) is under his “old” (?) last name and he’s not licensed as he’s not practicing. The NPPES database includes providers with expired licenses, just FYI, so it’s a very convenient excuse he has changed his last name at some point.

He’s now saying he was licensed in CA and references someone whose NPI allegedly starts with T15. NPIs are 10 digits and start with 1. LITERALLY ALL OF THEM. They do not start with letters.

I think he’s actually a clinical director or similar LARPing as a doctor.

I hesitated to say anything just in case the cancer stuff was real but even that seems to be a changing story….

Idk about the car drama. Someone else can chime in.



Edit 2:

Claims to have had Burkitt’s lymphoma 2x but donated marrow after first time.

Click here to see how strict the donation requirements are

That was first thing that got me really sus

Edit 3:

Okay so idk how many of us have gone through chemo but I did at 27 & otherwise healthy and I would almost fricking collapse in Target and have to sit on the bench in the pharmacy or lean on the cart sometimes with sweat pouring down my face so this is laughable. Sometimes I couldn’t even get my mail. My mom had to do my laundry bc I couldn’t physically carry it to the laundry room in my complex. Idk, maybe he’s a super human who could go hiking during a very intense chemo regimen (worse than the one I went through). Don’t doubt there are people who can but…. I’m sure most people’s bullshit detectors are off the charts rn.

Edit 4:

Just remembered…99% sure maiden names come up in parentheses when you search if someone updated their NPI info.

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