
Of course they then deleted this post since it’s not showing it in positive light and is bad for moral. I care a lot about khohol morals and don’t want it to fall that’s why I archived that picture.



Video of the 1 billion -Ack'ening

Personally I dont give a shit which ones of the post soviet hellholes kills the other at this point I'm just glad I managed to get out in the 90s and hope that none of my family in Ukraine or Russia gets hurt.

But watching shills melt down at Wunderwaffe dropping mask is just too funny to ignore.


A 22-year-old Internet denizen in Japan was arrested and got three years for slander by spreading fake news on 5ch about a controversial plastic surgeon named Katsuya Takasu, who is notorious for his stance on denying the Holocaust and Nanking Massacre.

Katsuya Takasu is a member of the Japan Medical Association and several other related organizations and was previously a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. He runs a general hospital in his hometown called Takasu Clinic and is also a philanthropist who established volunteer organizations to help during the Great Hanshin earthquake in 1995.

While Takasu has done plenty of great charity work, he is best known for the controversy that seemingly infuriates the world around him. Examples include praising Nazis for the German technology used during World War II and calling the toll of Holocaust victims an “exaggeration” by the Allies, which resulted in his expulsion from the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery.

The culprit from Saitama was sentenced to three years, of which ten months will be imprisonment. The judge ruled that posting slander on websites such as 5ch can significantly reduce the social evaluation of an individual and that it was evident that he made radical posts to get people to respond.

According to court records, the defendant posted fake news stating that Takasu was arrested after causing a fatal car accident in February 2022. The man had made about three similar fake news posts on 5ch in what was deemed radical attempts to slander the doctor and landed himself behind bars.

Doctor Takasu flexing his physique at age 78.

:marseymao: :marseyantiwork:

In English, the poem basically reads like this:

In a stone den was a poet named Shi, who loved to eat lions, and had resolved to eat ten.

He often went to the market to hunt for lions.

At exactly ten o’clock, ten lions had just arrived at the market.

At that moment, Shi had just arrived at the market too.

Seeing those lions, he shot them with his arrows.

He brought the corpses of the ten lions to the stone den.

The stone den was damp, so he had his servant clean it.

After the stone den was cleaned, he tried to eat those ten lions.

When he ate, he realized the corpses were in fact ten stone lions.

Try to explain this matter.

Using 92 Chinese characters, this poem seems innocent enough, save for the strange narrative it conveys:

While the ideas expressed in this poem are ridiculous at best, Westerners can most appreciate this work when it is produced in Pinyin, a form of Romanized writing where every character is converted into one syllable and where every tone is expressed by using four distinct accents used by the Chinese language and its derivatives:

“Shī Shì shí shī shǐ”

Shíshì shīshì Shī Shì, shì shī, shì shí shí shī.

Shì shíshí shì shì shì shī.

Shí shí, shì shí shī shì shì.

Shì shí, shì Shī Shì shì shì.

Shì shì shì shí shī, shì shǐ shì, shǐ shì shí shī shìshì.

Shì shí shì shí shī shī, shì shíshì.

Shíshì shī, Shì shǐ shì shì shíshì.

Shíshì shì, Shì shǐ shì shí shì shí shī.

Shí shí, shǐ shí shì shí shī, shí shí shí shī shī.

Shì shì shì shì.



(25 m) I have become a hardcore racist. Specifically, against black women.

I wasn't always like this. But it's devolped ovIertime. No other group of people is more consistently more annoying, less forgiving, unapologetic, non-compromising, and rude.

I'm done.

It's gotten to the point where I don't even fricking try anymore. I'm a goofy, friendly black man. I smile and nod at every stranger that I pass... Unless they are a black woman.

I'm getting pretty darn good at this shit :marseysunglasseson:

To what extent do people have tells IRL?

As a :marseyautism:(undiagnosed) I have gotten a lot of the basics of social interaction down by this point but I still can't tell if people find, say, something I'm telling them about enjoyable and also as a :marseydoomer: I assume they are actually bored a lot of times. So for instance say someone's checking their phone and I'm in the middle of a story I'll usually trail off. A lot of times they tell me to keep going when I actually stop speaking so it isn't like they actually want me to shut up(I think) but difficult to tell for me. Can normals do it or do you just blaze through with confidence regardless? :marseynotes: :marseychad: I can usually speak decently when :marseydrunk: but that's just that tard confidence and obviously its not a strategy I can use where it matters.

Greekstrags give Nully his .onion certificate back 🥝
:marseynulloverback: :marseypasschingchong: :marseylaughpoundfist:

Kiwifarms tor link: https://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojhmqruw2nit3uejrpiagrxeuxiyxcyd.onion/

HARICA has reversed on the decision to revoke our certificate.

He mentions 'threatening emails'. It is impossible to determine if these are genuinely from people from the forum or if they are :!marseytrain:s running interference, but it does go without saying that obnoxious messages don't do anything to help. The crybullying from Liz Fong-Jones is effective because it's backed with technology companies and a mass of media reports that also claim we are routinely cybermurdering people.

This announcement does a good examination of how these campaigns work. When Matthew Prince lied and claimed we were 'escalating threats', he penned something close to actionable defamation. However, because it is Matthew Prince, CEO of Fortune 500 company Cloudflare, it is credible in the eyes of almost everyone. This then gets reported on by the news, which ends up in Wikipedia.

Greek man receives emails about cybermurder website, goes to see both Wikipedia (modern day Library of Alexandria and source of all truth) and Cloudflare (very prestigious tech organization everyone can recognize) back this up, and then decides it's open and shut.

There's no way to get dinosaur media to issue corrections, Matthew Prince will never admit he lied because the lie was done to preserve stock value and not admit he's caving into public pressure, and Wikipedia is basically operated by the mentally ill to the point where trying to get it to change anything on our article is guaranteed to get you banned.

It's sort of like 9-11. You don't really need to hit the entire building to get the ball rolling. Just take out something high enough it causes a chain reaction leading to collapse. What I'm saying is, :!marseytrain:s are the 9-11 of the Internet.

:#marseypasschingchong: :#marseylaughpoundfist:

HARICA announcement on Kiwifarms

HARICA supports the freedom of speech and expression, and the right for privacy which is why it invested time and effort to support and offer Onion certificates. This decision was welcomed by the Tor community.

HARICA does not check or censor website content protected by its certificates. However, every CA must follow a process to handle complaints from Third Parties and Law enforcement authorities associated with HARICA-issued certificates. If the complaint claims that a certificate is used in violation of the CP/CPS or the Greek/European Law, HARICA is obligated to investigate and check whether those claims are valid. HARICA takes complaints seriously and is especially sensitive to the "forbidden certificate use" clause in section 1.4.2 of its CP/CPS.

In the Kiwifarms case, we received such a complaint and proceeded with our investigation which led to reviewing existing online content. The following URLs were especially examined:

Without dismissing the seriousness of other concerning activities reported, HARICA was especially concerned with activities that might have led to suicides. A decision was made to revoke the certificate and an email was sent to the subscriber notifying that the certificate would be revoked in 3 days (on 2023-05-18), and that a new certificate should be obtained by another CA, which should be a trivial task to be completed within 3 days.

Minutes after sending that email, HARICA's support team started receiving threat messages from unknown individuals, witnessing the behaviour described in the "Escalating threats" of Support team members participating in the communications with the subscriber were personally targeted.

HARICA considers this behaviour unacceptable. As a non-profit CA, we try to support the Internet community with the best of our abilities and in a very challenging and demanding industry. If HARICA personnel continues to receive harassment for what is a CA decision (not a personal decision), we will have to revisit the risks associated with providing Onion certificates and possibly discontinue this service. Our personnel's good health and safety is of upmost importance.

Among the numerous threat messages HARICA received, there was one case that followed the reporting procedure, was kind and polite, and highlighted the fact that there are currently only two publicly-trusted CAs that issue certificates for Onion domain names, and HARICA is one of them. This significantly minimizes the options of Subscribers with Onion domain names.

After considering that factor, HARICA decided to postpone the revocation action and wait for further investigations, if any, by the Greek Law enforcement authorities. The community should not mistakenly think that HARICA's decision to postpone the revocation was due to the threats we received. We continue to reserve the right to revoke or not issue a replacement certificate, but we respect the fact that this particular subscriber has only one other option to obtain a certificate to protect their website. We hope more CAs will be able to support Onion certificates to alleviate that problem.

Reported by:
Hunter Biden is done for now


Khohols shot every missile down in Kiev
this is cirno

cc @meso @BreadLover69 @Ukko

no more silly


It’s over for citadel. 2 lines left
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