Platinum Games offered the foid that voiced Bayonetta $20k, not $4k as she claimed.

It was 4-5 four hour sessions at 4 thousand per session. She countered with six figure request and they dropped her lmao

Shoot em ups

Prolly 80% of the stuff on my steam deck is shmups bc it's the only gender of games I can really stick with bc scrolling shooter shit in a spaceship is timeless and quick to jump into. Idk care if it's anime horse shit like mushihimesama since its cave., most shmups own. I'm trying to find new stuff I haven't played before since I got this thing again. I got rtype final 2, all of the cave games, dariusburst, that fantastic crimson clover and a few others including shit on mame but I need more recs

What's the deal with those tofu or whatever games. I don't care about the neurodivergent weeb fandom, are the games actually good shooters and what are the good ones to get

Gamepass bros, we won :marseychuddance:

PoE patch dropped this weekend breaking item drops for almost all content in the game. This is alongside issues with balance other nerfs in the patch.

Players are not happy with these changes, with many of the top streamers considering quitting the league.

New Dev post today lists things they are working on for the next few days, but notably many of the reduced item drop rates are "working as intended".

This has sent the Reddit into a frenzy.


Drama in the comments

Any of you cool s*x-having g*mers play the new switcherino bing bing wahoo rpg?

Self-deprecating title but the original is one of my favorite games of all time. The artstyle and soundtrack and dialog and absolutely everything is timeless and gorgeous and just brimming with passion.

The remake looks aesthetically soulless but I am overcome with a need to consume this product anyway.

How does it compare to the OG?

Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

!g*mers get in here

Jungle Tyrone Guide
Reported by:
  • X : yea
Is ghost of tsushima worth playing

What's the QRD on this game?

It was a big thing but never really got talked about much.

I have it, but have never actually played it.

Is it any good, or what?

Also same question but for the game days gone or whatever it's called.

It is happening again

It's going to be good



I feel like a massive soyboy cute twink for being breath taken and emotionally impacted by Starfield. :marseyhappytears:

that's the post, Todd did it again. I think he made his โ€œ20 year game.โ€

Personastrags get what they fricking deserve.

SMT is by far the better series.



Sounds like the turbo nerds who are switching their location to NZ are struggling


Sony Censors Limited Edition Artbook for English Tsukihime Remake PS4

Not content with forcing their values on games, Sony has once again shown off their prude side with the PS4 English release of the Tsukihime remake, censoring two images that come in the Limited Edition extra artbook showing off design drafts.

Two of the images in the artbook will be altered according to Aniplex, while the Nintendo Switch version will remain uncensored, showing off just how fragile Sony is. The game itself has no changes made to either version, which raises questions as to what is being censored.

Some people have speculated that it is an image of Ciel mostly naked, while others brought up two images that show off panties on a petite girl, which surely would raise alarm bells with those who can't differentiate reality from fiction:

Like neighbors I had no idea this game exist or what it is

So I googled:

So it's some obscure porn franchises from 2000

This image will get censored

I mean why would you buy porn game on ps if you can pirate on pโ€ฆ I mean buy on steam than install uncensored patch.

It's quite interesting that the good plot japanese games have porn in it


By this point, if you've heard of Donkey Kong, then you've also probably heard of Billy Mitchell. The former 'King of Kong' held multiple world records in arcade games such as Pac-Man and the aforementioned, but many have since been called into question, with some accusing him of playing via Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. Mitchell denies the allegations and has even taken action against Guinness World Records supplier Twin Galaxies.

Now, due to those allegations, Mitchell is claiming that his doctor of 30 years is refusing to see him because he believes he's a cheat. In a new testimony shared on Perfect Pac-Man, this rather unusual claim states:

After Twin Galaxiesโ€™ defamatory statements of April 12, 2018, one of Responding Partyโ€™s doctors, Dr. Stanley Skopit, refused to see Responding Party after Responding Party appeared for an annual examination. When Responding Party Arrived for his examination, the assistant to Dr. Skopit informed Mitchell that Dr. Skopit would not see him... the assistant informed Responding Party that Dr. Skopit read the allegations from Twin Galaxies.

Mitchell states that the stress of the case has caused him to suffer from a hernia and atrial fibrillation. This testimony comes as part of the deposition process, as he has had to respond to requests for admission and production.


According to the trailers you can:

Have a horrific corpse filled dungeon

Chop up bodies for food

Chase around naked women

Write scary cryptic shit on their boobs with a knife

Abduct people to torture them

Rip the face off naked women

Stab people in the eyes with your fingers

Injure people and chase them at walking speed as they helplessly shamble away

Stab them in the balls with a knife

Rip out a mans teeth with pliers and possibly many other things while he's strapped to a chair

Kill them in a SAW like arena and film it to make money to upgrade your torture dungeon

Finally, a game for me

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